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Friday, September 30, 2016

Could This Order Restore the Voting Rights of 465,000 Dead Ohio Voters?

Last decade, George Soros worked on electing leftists to secretary of state positions in order to weaken election integrity in individual states. Now the court system, if left unchecked by Congress, will fulfill his dream even in Republican-controlled states by delivering every close election to Democrats.

Earlier this month, the courts blocked states from verifying the citizenship status of individuals registering to vote. Courts around the country have mandated that states provide for specific days of early voting, out-of-precinct voting, same-day registration, pre-registration of minors, and straight ticket ballots — all the while barring states from requiring a photo ID to vote.

Much like in North Carolina, the legal profession, which is full of radical legal defense funds and leftist lower court judges, has attackedalmost every common sense election law in Ohio. Adding to the growing list of Soros victories, the Sixth Circuit Court of Appeals on Friday prevented Ohio from enforcing its policy of cleaning voter rolls of deceased, ineligible, or out-of-state voters through a process that has been in place for two decades.

Before discussing this most recent decision, it is important to understand the relevant federal statutes..

(Keep reading..)

1 comment:

  1. This is why this election is so important. Our govt is corrupt to the core, bought by leftists like Soros. People see this and it figures in with Trump's anti-establishment appeal. Many of us had no intention of voting for Trump in the beginning, but look at the honest, conservative supporters he keeps adding to his team, not to mention judges he'd recommend for appointment if elected. We need to all work to win this election. For the sake of our free republic. Call, give rides to polls, whatever you can do to help.


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