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Thursday, September 01, 2016

Colin Kaepernick Converted To Islam Before His Anti-American Stance. Coincidence?

There are a ton of issues with his actions, but the leading factor that drove his position towards hating America came from one source: Islam

To this point, everyone is well aware of Colin Kaepernick’s anti-American stance as he refused to stand during the national anthem during an NFL football game.

There are a ton of issues with his actions, but the leading factor that drove his position towards hating America came from one source: Islam.

In short, here is Kaepernick’s statements:

I am not going to stand up to show pride in a flag for a country that oppresses black people and people of color. To me, this is bigger than football and it would be selfish on my part to look the other way. There are bodies in the street and people getting paid leave and getting away with murder.



  1. Let him go to a muslim country and see is he makes his millions there. He is a disgrace to this country, his teammates, and the NFL and probably a homegrown terrorist within the team.

  2. he should be wiped and beaten for his insubordination! Another guy that forgot he gets paid millions to play a stupid game.

  3. Dave T: Another big mouthed punk toting the Muslim agenda while disrespecting the country. The more I learn about this nobody, but more I dislike him.

  4. I am not saying that his platform is wrong, I in fact believe he is correct. What bothers me is he has had this platform for a long time and never seemed to raise any concern before signing his massive contract. Set aside the fact he is half white and was raised by adopted white parents, inherently not standing for the national anthem is offensive. Albeit his choice, and whether or not he means it to be, he is disrespecting those who fought to give him the right to chose if he stands or not. Furthermore, Islam is oppressive in itself. Women and homosexuals are treated with much disrespect and are not awarded the same rights as men or heterosexuals. What is the difference? Oppression is oppression. Oh the Fidel Castro shirt he wore to his press conference was a nice touch as if he isn't one of the most oppressive human beings in history...

  5. Well now we know he was never a Christian.
    A Christian, by definition, cannot "convert to Islam".
    A Christian has been touched by the Holy Spirit in such a way that he cannot help but believe the story.
    The story of Jesus Christ's murder and resurrection from the dead.
    His salvation of all human souls in a single event.
    Truly magnificent!
    Rejoice, praise his Name.

  6. 4:33

    He is NOT correct. Not even close. Like someone before said. Blanket Party.

    This little P.O.S. needs to get out of this country if he don't like it.

    1. They are playing at A military app game tonight but its Not showing locally they are going to F him up.

  7. They have him wearing socks showing cops as pigs.google it.

  8. He changed to a muslim months ago this is a swipe and christians and the law he is a treasonous pos.

  9. He's a Muslim, wonder how he likes catching that pigskin?


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