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Tuesday, September 13, 2016

Clinton's pneumonia cover story proves her instinct is to lie

Hillary Clinton will beat pneumonia. But she won't beat a condition far more fatal: untrustworthiness.

In the hours after the Clinton campaign finally came clean (or did it?) Sunday about the candidate's pneumonia diagnosis two days earlier, the only question that mattered was, as NBCNews.com put it, "Clinton's core vulnerability is that most Americans don't find her honest or trustworthy. Will voters now feel like they've been misled about her health?"

Why is this even a question? Of course it raises trust issues. Worse, it plays into the hands of Clinton foes who assume everything she says is already a lie.

Let's go over the latest Clinton error of judgment:



  1. So far every democrat is lying,bring back the Bern!

  2. Clinton will lie about being dead at her own funeral.


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