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Friday, September 30, 2016

Chipotle to pay 16-year-old nearly $8 million for 'outrageous' sexual assault

It took the jury only three and a half hours to award a former Chipotle worker nearly $8 million in damages in a harrowing sexual assault case.

The victim was 16 when she started working at Chipotle (CMG) in late 2013 to earn extra money. Within weeks, she says her 26-year-old assistant manager started touching her breasts. He pretended it was an accident at first.

Soon assistant manager Gerardo Solis was regularly touching her and "grooming" her for sex at a Chipotle in Houston, Texas. By the summer of 2014, it got to the point where he would have unprotected sex with her "at the restaurant dumpster, in the restroom, in the office and other places," the lawsuit states.

"Chipotle's conduct in this case was outrageous," said attorney Ben Hall, who represented the teenager in the case. "Chipotle wanted to couch it as a relationship, but the jury was clear you cannot have a sexual relationship with a 16-year-old child. That's why they call it a sexual assault."



  1. Yeah it sounds like she really fought back against this guy. One time shame on him multiple times now equals PAYDAY for her.

    1. Spoken by a registered sex offender no doubt

  2. So, who pays? Chipotle? Or the probably now let-go manager? If it's Chipotle, look for an appeal. If it's the guy, good luck on getting $8 million out of a stone. And the lawyers will take 40%, no matter what happens.

  3. Why didn't she quit? She should receive an award, but come on $8 million dollars when she could have quit. This is ridiculous!

  4. Anonymous Anonymous said...
    Yeah it sounds like she really fought back against this guy. One time shame on him multiple times now equals PAYDAY for her.

    September 30, 2016 at 4:55 PM

    No. Any and all times shame and CHARGES against him. Anyone under 18yoa can NOT give consent, legally or morally. More so legally since morals are almost totally a thing of the past..

  5. The time span was about 8 months... Just about a million bucks a month.
    My ex-wife got considerably less than that. I figure she got about $10,000 a month for the two years we were together...

  6. make sure you ALWAYS blame the victim.

  7. In Maryland 16 is the age of consent. However in this case he was in charge of the 16 year old. I would have a hard time with this one. It is definitely a civil matter.


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