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Friday, September 30, 2016

Chelsea Clinton Takes Private Jet to ‘Clean Energy Roundtable’

Chelsea Clinton traveled by private jet while campaigning for mother Hillary in the swing state of North Carolina Wednesday, flying from town to town rather than hitting the road in a car or a bus.

Chelsea was caught boarding a gas-guzzling private jet after the Clinton event in Greenville, North Carolina. Her next event, in Asheville, was called the “Clean Energy Roundtable.”



  1. Trump has an entire fleet..

  2. C'mon. You guys know the rules only apply to us little guys.

    This is a non-issue.

  3. Trump is not parading around whining about man made global warming

  4. Like mother, like daughter. The apple did not fall far from the tree.

  5. 2:15 you're right, after all, he thinks global warming was created by the Chinese

  6. Trump has his own fleet and can do what he wants with them. If I was a gambling man and could afford it, I would wager my retirement check for a year if Chelsea is flying on Clinton Foundation money plane instead of Hillary's campaign money. I would also make this wager on Hillary's plane travel.

  7. 2:15- Exactly - Some people will never get it!!

  8. When did Chelsea Clinton become an expert on anything? She is just getting involved because her mother is not physically able, or y capable without a device in her ear giving her answers during the debate. I understand a daughter trying to help her own mother, but did she ever stop to think that covering for her mother is really not the best thing for her she should realize her mother is in no shape to hold the office as President. She should help her realize that her mothers health is severly requiring attention and her mother could die due to ignoring it, and she would not get the time with her grandchildren.

  9. Why is she going anywhere, Who cares what she thinks.

  10. Must be burning up her husbands investment debockal money.

  11. To the ONE establishment clintons supporter she is flying on either DONATED money used for a charity or she is flying on DONATED money for campaign. ..Trump flys on EARNED money from WORKING.

  12. Chelsea who?

    big mike

  13. Chelsea, your white privilege is showing


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