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Tuesday, September 20, 2016

Cecil County State’s Attorney defense hinges on distance

SNOW HILL — The women who say they saw Cecil County State’s Attorney Ellis Rollins III nude on the balcony of his Ocean City hotel room in June were more than half a football field away and, therefore, must have made an effort to see him, according to court records filed in the case.

It was a contention that the county’s embattled top prosecutor made in his initial public defense in the high-profile case following the allegations, but a Whig review of filings made over the last few months shows that Rollins is prepared to double-down on that defense.

A motion filed by Rollins’ Ocean City-based attorney, Cullen M. Burke, asserts that Rollins was never on his balcony but, instead, was inside his 10th-floor hotel room when the alleged victims saw him from their 12th-floor room at an adjacent condominium building.

“During all instances of the alleged exposure, the defendant was in his lawfully rented and occupied hotel room. It is undisputed that the defendant was not located in a public place at the time of the alleged exposure,” Burke contends in the motion, which notes that the two incidents took place over a time period of about 36 hours.



  1. He knows how to work the system. Smart move.

  2. Uh huh.
    As if THAT "defense" would last 5 minutes if it were one of 'we, the people" accused of that crime in the great family resort of Ocean City.

    Two Sets of Laws.
    He's going to walk.
    On a 'technicality" or by a ruling from the court.

    You or I go to jail. That's what they do to SERFS.
    Keep cheering!

  3. Interesting how he could see the woman across the street stroking her hair.

  4. If this occurred between "adjacent" condominiums, why is a photo supplied that shows condominiums from across a highway? I think the photo implies something different than the article does. Photos should support the details or not be used, even if they're stock photos.

  5. Rumor has it that the his defense is slim and won't stand up.


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