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Monday, September 12, 2016

Brown University Providing Tampons in Men’s Bathrooms Because ‘Both Sexes Menstruate’

Tampons are now a genderless necessity, according to Brown University, who have announced that they will be providing tampons for both men’s and women’s bathrooms across the university this academic year.

The tampons will be delivered to bathrooms by the university’s student president, Viet Nguyen, as well as 20 volunteers, with Nguyen claiming the initiative is a means of educating students that men menstruate as well as women.

In an email to the student body, Nguyen said, “There’s been a lot of conversation about why pads and tampons are a necessity, not a luxury, but not a lot of action. We wanted to take it into our own hands.”



  1. This guy's in college? Wow.

  2. Well, liberal men are mealy mouthed and whiny, so.

  3. Newsflash! If you're bleeding 'down there" guys, you're either biologically a woman or you need to get to the ER stat!

  4. Mike and Francis this is for you.

  5. I want to see "him" insert one!

  6. The world has no officially gone crazy. Check, please.


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