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Tuesday, September 13, 2016

Brokaw: Hillary Clinton 'Should Go to a Hospital and See a Neurologist'

Sunday on NBC’s “Meet The Press,” while commenting on Democratic presidential nominee Hillary Clinton having to leave during the 9/11 memorial service, former NBC’s “Nightly News” anchor Tom Brokaw said of Democratic presidential nominee Hillary Clinton, “I think that she should go to a hospital, see a neurologist, and get a clean report if it is available to her.”

Brokaw said, “It also comes in the context where there has been a very vigorous campaign, both above ground and below ground by the Republicans to raise questions about her health. Rudy Giuliani has been on the air constantly saying, ‘Well I don’t have any facts, but if you look at here, something is amiss.’ Just this morning I had a rather detailed message from a Republican who was inside, and he was raising questions as well saying ‘I didn’t know if this is true, but here are the incidents that we are all watching.’ So that’s in play. We’re already seeing today the social media activity that is going on. I think that she should go to a hospital, see a neurologist, and get a clean report if it is available to her. This is not something that is going to be dealt with at her daughter’s apartment, in the context of where we are.”



  1. No she shouldn't. She should just keep on going on as she is with her basket of deplorable comment and other put downs. Karma will continue to get her butt like it did on Sunday when she looked like a pathetic shell of a human not even able to stand on her own and almost falling on her lying face. Sometime time karma won't be so good to her and she'll end up spending her life in a geri bed slobbering and having to have someone wipe her foul butt. Couldn't happen to a better person. yeah keep it up Clinton and divine intervention will keep on striking. The good people always end up with the last laugh.

  2. I would rather she went to the Morgue.

  3. Rest assured that she's already seen a neurologist and several other specialists ------ we just don't know about it.

  4. Don't be so sure 10:20. They don't want to risk anything being leaked so the less people including doctors and their staff know about her health the better for them. Personally I think she's just relying on the advice of the internist and that is why the uncontrolled seizures and this latest collapse.

  5. Anyone who has the multiple problems that she does and trusts only a private internist is a fool.

  6. Even a specialist can't help her she's brain dead. Nail her this time FBI watching today.

  7. A few years ago she fell and broke her elbow. Then she fell and got the concussion. Sunday she does a nose dive into the van. The uncontrollable head bobbles plastered all over the internet. The coughing fits that only a fool would believe are allergies and now the latest pneumonia. She's been coughing like that for months so for them to claim it's from pneumonia is just another one of clinton's many many lies. She is a fool and relies on ignorant foolish trashy people to keep her in office. She is a fool and a liar and wants to cover up important things it would be like her to not see a specialist yes being in fear info would get leaked.


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