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Sunday, September 25, 2016

Breaking Now: Violence has erupted in Charlotte, North Carolina for the second night.


  1. Any black who doesn't speak out against this and who supports BLM is a POS-a useless POS who needs to move their foul butts back to Africa where it's lawless. I am so sick and tired of the excuses.

  2. I would say animals but animals are more civilized. Now they are looting and stealing and then blacks are so stupid they wonder why people can't and don't trust them. They kill each other at the drop of the hat so of course they are to be viewed at with suspicion. As soon as they stop acting like they do good people will start viewing them differently.

  3. Police should just kill all of them. Anyone who is out there isn't worth a darn anyway so no great loss. They are going to end up murdered by their own or in prison so get it over now with bullets to the head.

  4. They are saying the person that was shot was NOT shot by the police. However others are saying it was the police that did the shooting. There is enough video on this event that they will figure it out.

  5. They need to go home get some sleep and find a job

  6. Police should just go home sick and let the animals do what they want. I would bet in a week, people would be begging for cops!

  7. I think every urban center of any medium to large city is on alert!

  8. Do you think for a moment that this is going away? That it will get better?
    That all this pent up frustration and anger (debate the cause and effect all you want, it doesn't change the fact that it's occuring) will dissapate with some "let's all get along" singing or some pleading from politicians?
    Combine this civil unrest with the very partisan election and maybe you MIGHT start seeing why the government has purchased (and spread throughout the land) 2-3 BILLION rounds of high powered ammo that can't be used anywhere in the world against anyone (by law and treaty). It CAN, however, be used WITHIN the United States.
    I suggest you getcha some of your own. You might need it soon.
    Entropy, people. It can be slowed down, but it cannot be stopped.
    Keep cheering.

  9. I don't get it. I understand that no one no matter what race should be shot if they are defenseless but to loot and destroy places of business that had nothing to do with anything is crazy.

    Peaceful demonstrations fine but to destroy a town is crazy.

    1. I'm confused. Kaepernick had peaceful protest and people were still outraged. You people can't have it both ways...pick one or the other. Peaceful protests or violent protests?

    2. Because Kapernick decided to protest during "work". You don't protest while people are paying you to do a job! Do it on your own time. And kneeling during the anthem is just plain disrespectful to our military and the country that afforded him 12 million a year to sit on his a$$. He has the resources to do something other than kneel. Actions speak louder than words. I find it ironic that he chose to embrace his black heritage when his black father chose to walk away from him. What a slap in the face to the white parents that adopted him.

  10. Stop using tear gas it just gets kicked back to police,use rubber bullets like Israel does and ARREST all people with masks on for incitment.

  11. Don't understand the cops just stand there and watch, like Ferguson, and Baltimore.

  12. Send in the german shepherds.

  13. 11:21
    At a football game is not the place to protest. Would your employer allow you to protest while they are paying you? Well maybe if you work for Soros. Riots are never the answer.


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