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Sunday, September 25, 2016

BREAKING NEWS: Ted Cruz endorses Donald Trump for president

WASHINGTON (Sinclair Broadcast Group) - Two months after famously refusing to endorse Donald Trump for president at the Republican National Convention, Sen. Ted Cruz (R-TX) announced Friday that he is supporting the Republican nominee.

"After many months of careful consideration, of prayer and searching my own conscience, I have decided that on Election Day, I will vote for the Republican nominee, Donald Trump," Cruz wrote in a lengthy Facebook post laying out his reasoning.

Cruz listed several reasons he believes Trump is preferable to Democratic nominee Hillary Clinton, including national security and the direction of the Supreme Court.

"Our country is in crisis," he said. "Hillary Clinton is manifestly unfit to be president, and her policies would harm millions of Americans. And Donald Trump is the only thing standing in her way."



  1. Glad to hear it, even though it is too late for me to give a crap for this loser.

  2. Better late than never I always say. Logical conclusion, a vote against Trump is a vote for the sick monster. I don't think there has been a clearer choice for the good of this country in our history.

  3. Nothing at all to do with reince proebus saying they who don't honor their pledge will have a hard time running again.....

  4. Dave T: Alas ! Things are coming together ! Victory is on the horizon. It's time to take back this nation and make it great again.

  5. Cruz is still toast...Poor sport...too little, too late...words matter.

  6. Go back under your rock!

  7. aare all Canadians this "slow"?

  8. Julie, Julie, Julie Do You Love Me...

    Oh Julie B. are we still Trumptards. Oh wait! No you are a Trumptard now!

  9. He finally came to his senses. This is a seriously important election for our country. Big changes are needed to stop the downfall of our Nation. I believe the Trump will listen to others and appoint smart people to actually make a difference in D.C.


  10. It's politics, kids!

    Didn't your folks tell you to squabble inside the house but pull together for the benefit of the family outside?

    Each of the other runners-up should be doing the same. In addition, they should work actively and aggressively on behalf of the GOP candidate.

    1. RINOs are not faimly. The are fake they are liers and they have no morals and yes they are liberals.

  11. Well! I accept your endorsement, but you will get nothing from republican voters in the future.

  12. Smart move. I wish governor hogan would step in line.

  13. It's only because he is winning and he sees his future in jeopardy! Political whore at it's finest!

  14. He's only worried about his political future. Too little, too late, IMO.

  15. You know I was starting to have a little respect for Cruz because he was standing up for what's right but instead he has shown that he has no morals or respect for his own family when he can back a candidate that disparaged his family in such a horrible way.

  16. Yet no word from our esteemed Maryland Governor?

  17. I wish Hillary was Republican so we could have seen Cruz school her in a debate.


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