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Sunday, September 18, 2016

Black Lives Matter Armed Protest Over Darren Seals Death

Following last week’s murder of Ferguson activist Darren Seals, on Sunday armed protesters marched through the Central West End neighborhood in a show of force, blaming police for the death of Seals.

Seals was a member of the Black Lives Matter movement and a main protest leader and organizer in Ferguson in 2014. Last week his body was discovered in a burning vehicle where he had been fatally shot before the vehicle was set ablaze. Police have labeled the death as a homicide, but investigators have yet to release any new information about their leads.

Video footage from Sunday shows a group of 20 to 30 people walking along residential streets on their way to the area’s business district, chanting “Who killed Darren Seals?” and “Defend black lives.” Several people in the protest are carrying rifles and shotguns while openly declared their affiliation with Revolutionary Black Panther Party. Wearing tactical vests, the armed group chanted “F*** the pigs” and “Free us — or you die cracka” as they walked.



  1. Just goes to show their intelligence level.

  2. Put my AR together last night. My family and myself will be prepared if they decide to confront us. Anytime anywhere

  3. Pleaseeeeeeee bring bring it.

  4. No proof offered by BLM of who did the murder, which is just a week old.
    But you can be it wasn't the police that killed him.

  5. If that was my neighborhood I would consider them as a threat and take steps to protect and defend. I would not expect protection by the Police.

  6. This world is being divided and all decision making is not being based on rights but feelings...actions being taking by fighting the opposition with the same things we are fighting against...wake up and change this world

  7. Come please come shotgun locked and loaded.

  8. would they prefer their neighborhood be told that no police will respond to any call? You want us to leave you alone, so that is what we will do.

  9. Divine intervention. God doesn't like BLM and it's supporters. All they want is for police to stay out of their neighborhoods so they can commit crimes. They lie (like saying police are responsible for this murder) and they could care less about black lives unless they can blame it on LE or a white person. God is taking care of them one by one and He won't stop until they are all in hell because God isn't about to let them in Heaven.

  10. Being white in 2016 is dangerous. No doubt a person of white color is being oppressed openly. My skin is my sin.

  11. Don't be scared by a few racist idiots with nothing else to do walking though town with their chests puffed out. Be scared by the ones you don't see until it's confrontation time.

  12. 9:59
    Everyone should listen to your quote

  13. BLM, hurt me or someone in my family and aee what happens.

  14. They will spin any story to try to fit their agenda. Even when they know they are wrong.

  15. 3:13-- I am not sure they do know they are wrong. Most of them do not have simply reasoning ability or possess just a little common sense. It is quite obvious--just watch them.

  16. !!!! If I was a policeman, I would not defend nor investigate any assault, robbery or murder of any member of the BLM. Done and simple.


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