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Thursday, September 15, 2016

Bill Clinton Aide Asked Official for Help with Profit University

A top aide to Bill Clinton requested that the U.S. ambassador to Malaysia attend an event for a for-profit university that was paying Clinton millions of dollars as well as a meeting with Clinton, the university’s CEO, and the Malaysian prime minister.

Hillary Clinton’s deputy chief of staff at the State Department, Huma Abdein, was coped on emails requesting the ambassador’s attendance at both the event and meeting, the Daily Mail reported Tuesday.

Doug Band, the Bill Clinton aide, worked on setting up the meetings with Ambassador Paul Jones after Abedin introduced them, according to the Daily Mail.

Abedin told Band that the ambassador had “offered assistance” for Bill Clinton’s upcoming trip to Malaysia, where Laureate University had an affiliate college called INTI International University that just months before had been granted “university status” by the Malaysian government.

“I’m connecting you with our ambassador Paul Jones by email. He has offered assistance, if you need it, from him or the embassy,” wrote Abedin in the email to both Band and Jones.



  1. It just gets more and more juicy.

  2. But our own ITT is ignored in preference to Malaysia.


    Vote Trump '16!


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