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Friday, September 09, 2016

BIAS ALERT: Media dismisses military brass backing Trump

Donald Trump likely hoped that a letter backing him and signed by 88 former generals and admirals would prompt journalists to report on his support within military leadership -- what he got, instead, were media guns using Pentagon brass for target practice.

Trump, who on Wednesday delivered a major policy speech on the state of the U.S. military, was touted in the letter as a commander in chief capable of dealing with “enemies of this country [who] have been emboldened” by weakness in Washington.

“ … We support Donald Trump and his commitment to rebuild our military, to secure our borders, to defeat our Islamic supremacist adversaries and restore law and order domestically,” read the letter. “We urge our fellow Americans to do the same.”

The Washington Post immediately combed through the lengthy roster of signatories and noted that one, retired Lt. Gen. William G. “Jerry” Boykin, was reprimanded for disclosing classified information in a 2008 memoir, “Never Surrender: A Soldier’s Journey to the Crossroads of Faith and Freedom.”

Boykin also happens to be the co-founder and former commander of the elite Delta Force, and carried out missions in Iran, North Korea, Somalia and Colombia during his storied career.

He angered Muslims around the world in 2003 when, giving a speech about his hunt for a Somali warlord, said, “I knew that my God was a real God, and his was an idol.”



  1. He's a deferring coward.

  2. The media is scared to death of Trump when they should be scared to "death" of Hillary. Trump will be fair and non biased with everybody, and that plays hell with cronyism!

  3. Fired military leaders endorsing Trump is only scary to the MSM, The DNC, and the GOP. To us voters, it's a celebration! Thanks for reporting this, Joe. Nobody else will.

  4. Generals, admirals, thank you.


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