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Thursday, September 01, 2016

Baltimore reaches 200 homicides with man's fatal stabbing

Baltimore officially has had 200 homicide victims in 2016 after an autopsy confirmed a 42-year-old man found dead Friday just west of downtown had been fatally stabbed.

The victim, identified Monday as Franswhaun Smith, was found Friday about 7:50 a.m. in the 700 block of Murphy Lane, in the Heritage Crossing neighborhood that was formerly the site of the Murphy Homes public housing development.

Smith was pronounced dead at the scene. Police said an autopsy confirmed he had been stabbed in the back.

It is the fifth consecutive year Baltimore's homicide tally has reached 200 after recording 197 in all of 2011. That was the first time the city had recorded fewer than 200 victims since the late 1970s.



  1. Just exactly to whom to black lives matter?

  2. 200 and not a protest in sight.

  3. With any luck, they can achieve the big 300 mark by the end of the year!

    Go! Go! Go!

  4. Welcome to Bodymore, Murderland!

  5. 10:24-And compete with Chicago.

  6. If it's black on black it doesn't qualify for BLM to burn the city. Has to be Law enforcement or a white person....

  7. Good! One of these days people are going to figure out that all these "do gooders" like BLM only ever contributes to blacks eating their own. They don't want police to be pro active because they say it's targeting and profiling well this is what ends up happening. They got exactly what they wished for so they have no choice but to suck it up. Experience is best teacher for dummies and police are going to risk their lives for ungrateful peons that's for sure and who can blame them.

  8. Such the liars. Black lives ONLY matter when they can attach an agenda to it like race. Their lack of both valuing life and honesty is their major problem and until they change their neighborhoods will always be cesspools of crime and poverty. They need God in a REAL way and REAL black churches and not just pulpits for political purposes. They should be ashamed of themselves for how low the race has fallen but they aren't because they don't have moral value systems in them. All they know how to do is blame others and make excuses. This is a sin as the Bible instructs to call out the wayward. But what would they know from going to fake churches for generations now.


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