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Tuesday, September 13, 2016

Back In The Day!


  1. I still have one and I use it .

  2. And having your phone stuck to your ear was a rare thing back then.

  3. I remember when a voice said "number please" when I picked up the receiver on my wall phone. If I didn't know the number I could just say the name of who I was calling. Also my parents were on a "party line" with 4 other families when we moved from "country" to the "city" when i was 8.

  4. That phone needs an upgrade. A matching 20 ft cord.

  5. I too have one and use it.
    I bought it new around 1986 and it does have the 20' cord.
    Telephone technicians who have seen it, told me never get rid of it, as it will last forever.

  6. We still have a similar model. It isn't in use but is put away should it ever be needed. When it would be needed I'm not sure.

  7. The phones we had then did not give us so many fatalities every year from people who can't live without them, problem is they always take someone out besides themselves. Why can't they just pull over or have dash mounted phones, nothing is that important.

  8. We were never fancy enough for a blue one. In those days the phone company charged you extra rent for a color. Remember when no one actually owned a phone?


  9. Still have one in black with long cord. Not currently hooked up, and doesn't work worth a damn in the car!


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