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Sunday, September 25, 2016


Angelina Jolie has filed for divorce from Brad Pitt and the trigger was a conflict over the kids... TMZ has learned.

Jolie filed legal docs Monday citing irreconcilable differences.

She's asking for physical custody of the couple's 6 children. She is asking the judge to give Pitt visitation. It's significant ...she does not want Brad to have joint physical custody ... only joint legal custody.



  1. He is a total creep but then again so is she. It's funny how these women who commit adultery with married men think they are going to be awesome husbands/fathers. Unfortunately it's the children who suffer. Two losers.

  2. I give the poor man credit to staying married to her as long as he did. Should be fun seeing how the money is split up and visitation of his children and adopted children. Usually the woman gets the goldmine, and the man gets the shaft!!!!

  3. She should have never married him. Stupid. They went that long without tying the knot and now just over a year they divorce.

  4. Probably hoping to hook up with Billy Bob again. Classy Broad.

  5. I would have assumed they might fight about who has to keep the children. Who wants these other peoples' children? They don't look like either person in the family. Can we really call this a family?

  6. 11:34 is a happy bundle of christian compassion. Probably is pro-life too.

  7. 1202
    Is there a need for Christian compassion here?
    Are these children poor? Hungry? Need clothing?

    What is the need?

  8. The world will never be the same.
    Unless you can revive the Richard Burton Liz Taylor romance.
    Que sarcasm now.

  9. How about just regular ole' compassion?
    Do I have to be a Christian?

    I guess I could help take care of 1 or 2 of their children.
    Maybe just until one of them gets another job, or gets back on their feet?

  10. It doesn't matter how rich they are, it's the white women's way. Load their husbands up with kids, then walk away with the kids and HIS money.

  11. shame, they deserved each other! Now they can go out and mess up someone else's life!

  12. This will give her the ability to collect multimillions for child support.

  13. 10:53 Do you say the same thing about Melania Trump?

  14. I have always liked Brad Pitt and always hated Angelina Jolie. She is bat $#!+ crazy! All Brad has to do is show that in court and he gets all the babies.

  15. Who says he has more money then her? I could not care less about any stars life. (map)

  16. Show me a hot women and I will show you a guy tired of her. You know what I mean Vern.

  17. She will take everything but the blame!!!!

  18. I liked Brad until he hooked up with the nut case. She's crazy as a loon and has no business with any of the kids. Brad should take his biological kids and go on with his life.

  19. 4:01
    I agree with you. I used to like him until he decided to cheat on Jennifer and hook up with Angelina. He gets what he deserves now. I think karma has bitten him.

  20. He is a she.
    She is a he.

    I don't care about either one of them.

  21. Don't know the couple and don't care what they do. Why is it news worthy?


  22. Two self-centered 'adults' with low morals. Deserve each other.

    Sympathy for the kids.

  23. I'm with 10:58 this woman is wacked, anyone married to Billie Bob Thornton and act as she did then and the vial hanging around her neck should not be responsible for any child, her humanitarism doesn't cover her dark soul---a weird all good for Brad.

  24. She stopped at my cousins house and bought a gigantic Teddy Bear that his kids were selling.Strangest thing they ever saw.They were about to take it inside & decided to give it a few more minutes & then Angelina happened along & loved it.Barely got it in her limo.


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