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Tuesday, September 13, 2016

A Viewer Writes: Our beautiful City sidewalks by the hospital.


  1. Jake will fix it by the end of the week.

  2. Look at the grass at MSP building it never looks like that.

  3. Any homeowner would be fined.

  4. Yep that's a code violation and so is the grass height. Send your people Susan.

  5. They only cut grass when there is a special event in town. Like the World series softball etc. Wanted to like nice for all the visitors only. Don't care about us folks that live here.

  6. the space between the sidewalk and 13 is the State Highway. If the space belongs to the City do they send a code violation to themselves?

  7. The city will not send the city a violation - although they should, any homeowner would get a citation for such as this.

  8. Anonymous said...
    Jake will fix it by the end of the week.

    September 13, 2016 at 10:55 AM

    If you posted this on Facebook Jake Day would publically attack your a$$! He has attacked me several times because if anyone complains about "his city" on Facebook he gets offended. Well guess what Boy Wonder I'm coming after you and your city.

  9. Jake the fake. This man is no Republican. One and Done bet my life savings unless he changes and decides to keep his promises. Very disappointed in this man.

  10. Just like that beautiful river downtown


  11. They trying to 'bury the sidewalk?

  12. We have the save the money for another fat fireman lounge and a sparky costume.


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