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Sunday, September 18, 2016

A Viewer Writes: Brewington/Trump

Mr. Albero,

I was wondering if you also found it particularly fascinating that Ms. Brewington, the same woman who called Trump supporters "Trumptards" (http://sbynews.blogspot.com/2016/04/wicomico-county-republican-central.html) is now the county co-chair for him?? (see attached screenshot).

I just figured you'd find this interesting, I know this "Trumptard" did.

Thanks for all you do!


  1. Hey TRUMP camp, wake UP and do your homework on MS Brewington she is a RINO , Wake the hell up.

  2. I will be send a email to the trump org.

  3. Everyone should appreciate what many of us have known all along, that she's not the sharpest knife in the drawer.

  4. Look at Meeeeeeeeeeeeeeee!!!!!!!!!!

  5. I just sent a email to the Trump Campaign stating how Ms Brewington has insulted supporters as"Trumtards" and is a RINO and should NOT be incharge of anything.

    Send email to email donald trump
    Julie brewington
    Salisbury md

  6. She looks exactly like D Wasserman Schultz-ugly both in and out. Anyway Brewington will do anything to make herself feel important. She's a sad pathetic case. Her lack of self esteem compels her to try and thrust herself into the limelight constantly. She's a piss poor example of a GOP woman and a piss poor example to her children for calling Trump supporters names. She needs to just go and crawl back in the hole from which she's one again emerged. The GOP was fine without her and actually is better off if low class attention seeking persons stay go.

  7. she is so desperate to stay relevant. Funny how she changed her tune and did a 180. Its people like that that you can never trust as they flip flop on things to serve there needs.

  8. Julie Brewery is a huge part of young people not joining the party. It is time for true and loyal Republicans to stand up and get involved. The crab feast this year said it all the numbers are continually dropping for that event. Rhinos and drunks should just change parties.

  9. She's a woman and we all know they change their minds more than the wind changes direction.

  10. She and anything she did stopped being fascinating a long time ago.

  11. She wants to be in politics so you have to go where the votes are.

  12. Trump does vet anyone. Best people my foot.

  13. How the heck did she get that position, vote or nomination people are crazy she is "I want my 15 min of fame". She changes her mind every minute, she's hopped every train that has ran, sincere and as educated as toilet paper. No campaign needs her, read her history she never knows where her own children are. She can't walk and chew gum at the same time. Out to lunch with Captain Crunch.

  14. One thing we need to consider is that we really want to get the "Never Trump" people to change their mind so for that I applaud her.

    With that said I really don't think she should be leading anything for Trumps campaign simply because she went so far out of her way to insult him and insult those who support him and could be more of a liability than anything else.

  15. If Bernie comes back she might switch again.

  16. I was going to step up for the local republican chapter but when Julie went out of her way to call me a trumptard I figured the local chapter must have a ton of volunteers and money. I then wrote them off and will never donate time and or money again. Its ashamed she now moves over to the side she should have been on all along. The local republican chapter needs to figure out what they stand for and get rid of the people who go with what direction the wind is blowing.

  17. O just sent the trump campaign a email on her .

  18. This should not be news. Folks realize that this person has some mental stability issues.

  19. 11:55am She is a turd in a punch bowl. A nothing group in a state that is not even in play in the presidential election. Trump doesn't have anything to do with small town local groups and for certain does not even know who she is. Most around here wish they didn't know who she is either.

  20. If she is EVER elected to a public office it will be a disaster.

  21. Everyone on this site needs to send the Trump campaign a Warning regarding Julie Brewington. She's bad news with a very questionable reputation and Won't help his run for president.

  22. Anonymous Anonymous said...
    If she is EVER elected to a public office it will be a disaster.

    September 13, 2016 at 12:51 PM

    She is on the Wicomico County Central Committee and she got the most votes she said. She brags about that but she forgets that she lost her bid for State Delegate to Charles Otto. What was also weird about that election was the fact that Her husband was running for the Wicomico County Council as a Democrat. Fortunately they both lost their elections.

  23. Now she is on her FB page begging for people to "pray for Mike." She said she didn't want to tell anyone but we know she was just dying to get some attention so she couldn't take it any longer.

  24. I don't get it. Isn't the point of political campaigns to sway voters to "your" side. Since when do we exclude people from supporting our candidate?

  25. She use to come into the hospital to sell her product in high heels and the men would actually run the other way to get away from her. She likes to make plays on men! UM.....maybe that's how she got that position? just thinking............

  26. 2:56 - Julie Brewery is a RINO, that's since when.

  27. 2:56, If Satan came and endorsed you for the next Mayoral spot, would you be at the photo op arm in arm with him?

    Didn't think so!

  28. Keep emailing the trump campaign.

  29. I know this might sound like a stupid question to so e of you guys but, can someone explain what a Rhino is?

  30. RINO - Republican in name only!!

  31. It is the name that "real" republicans give to moderate republicans. I'm a republican but don't give a rat's rear end about right to life/abortion or prayer in school or whether two men/women want to marry each other or what bathroom you want to use. JB is neither. She is still as dumb as she was in high school and just wants attention.


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