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Sunday, September 18, 2016

A Viewer Writes: Boardwalk owner refuses to give fire fighter ice for heat exhaustion

To all who spend time and money on Ocean City Maryland boardwalk, I was attending the September 911 memorial ceremonies when a first responder fire fighter in full dress, became overwhelmed with the heat I walked over to him and said I would try to get him a small bag of ice.  

I walked over to the shop near Division Street and politely asked him if he could spare a small bag of ice and he said with a heavy foreign accent he has to buy the ice so I offered to buy it from him, in which he refused. I think this is deplorable not just the fact that this man would give without asking for anything to help you in a time of need, but you couldn't sell a small bag of ice. If this is the type of person that we are letting into this country STAY HOME. We don't need you, nor want you! 

I will not spend one penny in his shop and I hope others will read this post and follow my lead.


  1. The store needs to be named.

  2. Name the store or specific address.

  3. Check out the other post on the union taking advantage of the ceremony. I wouldn't give the fire department one cent, they steal my money everyday they come to work.

  4. Thanks for calling it to our attention, and sorry you had to endure this slap in your face. Now, are you sure it was the owner and not an employee? More importantly, how can we boycott the scumbag unless you ID the shop specifically? Thanks in advance.

  5. Why didn't you just buy it for the firefighter? Guess just like them, you felt entitled to something for free, or a discount. I am betting your one of them.

    1. I did offer to pay for it and was refused, scum bag. And no im not one of them!

    2. Also i did put in my post i sent in that it was a small shop selling Cinnabon cinnamon rolls, im not quite sure of the shops name , just south of division st.

    3. I did offer to pay for it and was refused, scum bag. And no im not one of them!

  6. Maybe a photo of the store and the owner..

  7. This is exactly why our Country is going down the tubes....when responsible people dont even have enough courage to point out the enemy in our mist!!

  8. More to story than this. It was not that hot yesterday. If he was a first responder than he was produced surrounded by other folks more qualified to assist that the poster. Doesn't add up.

  9. 10:38 The poster DID offer to pay for the ice but the store refused.

  10. Boardwalk business owner = Foreigner

    1. Absolutely false! Americans own scores of Boardwalk businesses. You are wrong.

  11. OC decided a long time ago that American's did not want to work there so they brought in foreigners (who just happened to be cheaper).

    As for the firemen and their unions, they need to step down from the band wagon and realize that 9/11 isn't all about them. It never will be.

  12. 11:03 your sentence making abilities don't add up. " If he was a first responder than he was PRODUCED SURROUNDED by the other folks more qualified to assist THAT THE POSTER" What does this mean?

    1. The ceremony was onging when he was helped to a shady area and i offerd to help, thats all i know and thats what you should do first responder or not!!

  13. 11:34 I call BS! You think the stores would not SELL him/her, your part of the union for sure, couldn't tell the truth if your life depended on it.


  14. 11:03 was at a Boardwalk Bar, early, apparently

  15. Maybe the store doesn't have an ice maker and therefore has a limited supply. There could be other sides to this story. The fact that you added that the clerk had a foreign accent might also indicate some sort of bias. Maybe the clerk feared repercussion; the student workers are treated very poorly in OC. If the firefighter was really in trouble he/she would/should know how to address the situation or contact a public safety official that does.

  16. 12:24 Why would they not sell to you? You must resort to name calling (scumbag) this shows your lack of credibility, along with you not naming the store. The larger picture is, why should the "Fireman" expect such royal treatment, when they should have been there to respect the loss of others. I am sure the public was equally hot and thirsty, did they expect theirs for free? The Fireman (and you) have become holier than the rest, when they should be there to serve others.

  17. Im an not union just a normal average person paying my respect on 911

  18. I gather the person did not clearly state what the ice was for.
    Most vendors are not interested in giving you ice to fill your coolers with. And this could have been the misunderstanding. I am sure this is requested of them quite frequently.

    I am not sure why you needed a full bag when an ice cold bottle of water would have sufficed.

    It is a rather confusing story.

  19. To the post about bs. I wish i could put into words a punch in the teeth, and you could feel it. I was there, not you

  20. As well i asked for a small bag of ice and offerd to pay for it.

  21. Also the ice was for his neck to cool him down.

  22. If it was the closest stand to N. Division street it was North Pole Lemonade (foreign owned). If it was a bar then the only one in that block is Guido's Burritos. I'm not sure who owns it but it is a large place so they probably at least have some foreign staff.

  23. I clearly stated the purpose of the ice and the man over heating was directly in front of the store , across the bourdwalk, in a emergency i think he could spare a sandwich bag of ice, for a fee

  24. I agree name the shop it will be like Target in the red because of stupidity and hatred for anything American.

  25. Name and town
    Name and town
    if you wish to opine!

  26. Public service employees should not be unionized. If you're working as a public servant, why would you want someone lobbying for better pay and benefits for you at the public taxpayers' expense? That doesn't make sense. If you want to be represented by a union, go to work for a private company.

  27. They are paid to fight their employer, only in Ocean City. The real petition should be to repeal collective bargaining, that would fly through.

  28. Aw was Jay Jay thirsty and too cheap to pay for his own drink. Were we supposed to bend over backwards because he is a fake assistant fire chief in uniform! Go away Jay we can't stand you in Salisbury or Ocean City.

    1. Well, it appears the Jester hater hit two posts. Keep your crying, backstabbing sorry comments in Salisbury.


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