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Sunday, August 28, 2016


It is easy to see bias in the local news media when you read the August 18th issue of the SALISBURY INDEPENDENT. First of all, we need to remember that WICOMICO COUNTY is spending some pretty big bucks with the INDEPENDENT and ROBERT CULVER hired the editors ex wife for a cushy made up job. Therefore, you can expect to read very little in the way of objective reporting from the INDEPENDENT.

It seems when the COUNTY COUNCIL approved the WOR WIC TUITION FUND there wasn't enough information available, so the money was moved into the contingency account. This would give the Council enough time to sort out all the details of this left wing liberal program and make any needed changes.

The trouble is, Culver and two of the Council members, Matt Holloway and John Cannon attended a check presentation long before the monies had been moved or even approved thus violating the WICOMICO COUNTY CHARTER. To be noted, a real check was given to the COMMUNITY FOUNDATION FOR $265.000.00 If you go to the WICOMICO COUNTY website and look up the Charter, it is very, very clear that no monies are to be transferred from the contingency fund without a vote from the County Council.

So, what's a bunch of liberals to do when they break the rules? They "CODIFY" it! JOHN CANNON'S statement in the INDEPENDENT to "CODIFY" interestingly means to organize procedures or rules into a system. Does this mean that this is going to be the normal mode of operation from now on? If so, what will happen to our democratic form of government that has been in place in WICOMICO COUNTY for over 100 years?

A Charter violation should be considered a serious matter. However, when it is done for a program as liberal as the WOR WIC TUITION it seems easy that the members who voted for this program are willing to let the matter slide, basically to cover their own asses. What really is bewildering is that the lawyer that the Council hired also said that the Charter has been violated yet four Council Members (JOHN CANNON, MATT HOLLOWAY, JOHN HALL & ERNEST DAVIS) chose not to pursue any further action. 

Questions need to be asked as to why this deviation in procedure has taken place, been excused and swept under the rug.


  1. Culver is so out of his league that these things are going to happen again and again.

  2. We need to force the removal of the violators, plain and simple this cant be tolerated.

  3. I am very disappointed in Bobby Culver, he started out with the RIGHT frame of mind but the soon disappeared.

  4. I will be the first to admit that ole "Tricky Ricky" was shady in his dealings, but......Culver is out of control.

  5. Culver is being undone by his refusal to surround himself with detailed, demanding, successful, intelligent people that do not necessarily need the job.
    This -he - is out of control; becoming a legend in his own mind

  6. Folks it is very difficult to go against the powers that be in government and that includes on a local level. Culver is a good person. But now he is dealing with very powerful people who have connections to other lodge members throughout the state and the world. There are several agendas at work and community college funding is one of them. It is happening everywhere. High School kids get to go to local community colleges for free if they have good grades. It is everywhere. I'm telling you Culver could not resist this agenda. He was told to do it.

  7. Bob is a good guy, but he is taking advice from the wrong people.

  8. Bob can't see that many around him (Wayne, Cannon, Creamer, etc.) want him to fail. Their plan in working. Ironically, many of us won't re-elect him because he didn't get rid of Wayne.

    Joe, please find out how much it will cost the taxpayers when Wayne gets vested, which is getting close, and then retires. We will be stuck paying retirement and health benefits until he dies. This is another Jim Fineran deal.

    Bob is not a man of his word.

  9. He needs to clean house in his office for starters. One working his own personal agenda and the others with no experience or education.

  10. I thought Bob was a 'good guy' too, but if he WON'T listen to 'good advice from good people', he might as well step down. His choices are going to put Wicomico County citizens in distress. He could really cause harm to our financial stability or lack thereof...Can someone with common sense get through to him soon?

  11. Someone stop the GOB foolishness, please!!


  12. He needs to get rid of property taxes... It's unconstitutional!!!! There's a lot of things that are WANTS in that budget.

  13. Every voter, every citizen in Wicomico County should remember that their trust and their treasure was traded for the personal enrichment and expediancy of those elected to serve.
    This is about you line my pockets, I'll line yours.
    Bob, if something needs to be done, it is worth doing right and doing now!

  14. Culver has become a pawn of the good old boy government. So have those in his office, including the new people. A little taste of government pay must be like crack, because they all have lost their minds.

  15. Isn't it funny how they all dislike each other and fight until they need to CYA?

  16. Here's an idea Bob.
    Keep your current crew, including Wayne, beyond his vesting date. Because afterall, if he is 'your man' now, he should be even after vested, if you believe his presence is helping you deliver what you promised those that supported you. Then confidently run with Wayne for Culver 2.0 when you have something to lose and the people are empowered.
    Just don't take out any mortgages

  17. OK 336,
    I will bite.
    Who are the "good ole' boys"?
    Tell us their names.
    This stuff is too important to let it go.

    do you mean the folks down at the PNC building downtown?

  18. 1:31 haven't you ever dealt with a know it all? His executive office is full of them. All big egos that need to feel loved too. Pathetic. No leadership at all.

  19. 4:00 Great comment. However, Culver won't understand it. ROFLMAO

  20. Looks like Hogan realizes Culver is in trouble, so Hogan is going to focus on jobs for the Lower Shore. He knows Culver hasn't done jack and isn't capable of economic development.

  21. I agree with 4:00.
    Trouble Bob has now is if he cuts Wayne loose just after vesting it will be obvious he lacked the leadership and political will to look after the people instead of a yes man and took the easy way out.
    He was elected to look after the County not Wayne's retirement.

  22. Just so I'm clear ... has Wayne or others offered their resignation and Bob refused?

  23. Good point 8:15. Better than a TV reality show. Wayne gets his retirement and his golf buddy Cannon gets fresh and damning fodder for the election.
    The reality that Pollitt lost the last election and Bobby is still trying to win one is probably lost on him as well
    It is a shame. Bobby is a very nice guy. I hope he is being played.

  24. Here's an idea .... how about some capable new faces to manage what we have more effectively? Success doesn't always require more programs.

  25. I wonder if he can even find anyone willing to wade into that mess or the economic developement desert overseen and entrenched by Ryan et al

  26. Bob is doing what ever he can to appease the democrats so that he can get re-elected. He needs the job.

  27. Thank you Marc Kilmer, Larry Dodd and Joe Holloway for opposing this violation. It was illegal and unethical of Bob to do what he did.

  28. You can tell the EBT Blogger is reading your blog and writing something absurd and just the opposite.

    Bob Culver Starting To Make Good Decisions

    As someone who has been critical of Bob Culver in the past, I have to give credit where it is due. Lately I have seen Bob working across party lines for the betterment of the County, instead of continuing the line in the sand party talk. What makes a good politician is someone who can work across the isle with the other side. Some of our best local representatives have that ability. Jim Mathias, Carl Anderton,Johnny Mautz ,Jake Day, Mary Beth Carozza, Charles Otto are great examples of the awesome people we have representing us.

  29. Anonymous said...
    Folks it is very difficult to go against the powers that be in government and that includes on a local level. Culver is a good person. But now he is dealing with very powerful people who have connections to other lodge members throughout the state and the world. There are several agendas at work and community college funding is one of them. It is happening everywhere. High School kids get to go to local community colleges for free if they have good grades. It is everywhere. I'm telling you Culver could not resist this agenda. He was told to do it.

    August 22, 2016 at 11:05 AM

    Are you saying that Mike Dunn is a powerful person? You are an idiot!!

    You are saying that free community college tuition is everywhere? Garrett County is the only college around that is doing that and now temporarily Wicomico is. You don't know WTF you are talking about. YOU ARE AN IDIOT!!

  30. Anonymous said...
    Thank you Marc Kilmer, Larry Dodd and Joe Holloway for opposing this violation. It was illegal and unethical of Bob to do what he did.

    August 23, 2016 at 6:40 AM

    AMEN. The other 4 council members are not fulfilling their duties as an elected body. They are required to uphold the Charter and allowing Culver to do what he did is playing his game. We ill remember you 5 during the next election.

  31. Voting for the right people just doesn't work these days . Having said that , what can we do ? I have the only way possible to start our process and put us back on track. However we must use force , extreme measures , threats that count and maybe sometimes just knock the hell out of these idiots . If you have a better way please show me the comment.

  32. Joe Holloway is the only one with common sense and smarts, or the only one that uses them. I don't care for career politician's but sure hope Mr.Joe Holloway hangs in there, thank you sir. In fact, it would be nice to see him in Culver's position and I voted for Culver. The other pair mentioned, may be okay, keeping an eye on them for future decisions.

  33. Anonymous said...
    Thank you Marc Kilmer, Larry Dodd and Joe Holloway for opposing this violation. It was illegal and unethical of Bob to do what he did.

    August 23, 2016 at 6:40 AM

    I agree 100%. These 3 are totally different in their ways, but they each compliment one another and play and important role in our county government.

  34. I am talking to more and more people every day who happen to be county employees. Guess what? They hate Bob Culver and regret hiring him. What has he done to improve the working environment for county employees? Nothing! The county employees should be treated as an asset and you get what you pay for. When you pay low wages you get the bottom of the barrel for employees. When you treat your employees like crap they and their family members will vote against you. There are enough votes within the ranks of county employees to drastically change an election.

  35. The members of the local Republican Party are already discussing probable candidates to run against and defeat Bob Culver in the Primary.

  36. I'm tired of seeing him driving the county car to DQ. It's ridiculous!!

    1. While yapping on his cell phone. Seen him in his "County Executive" SUV three times and all three times he had his phone to his ear.

    2. STHU!!!

      Conclusion, invest more into yourself and your job (if you have one), and may be you will be working rather than _____ (auto fill).

      I think you know the answer or we at least we "all" hope you do!

      My guess, you do not miss a meal, let alone work while eating. Supported by your comment above.

      Being a County Executive is a beyond a full-time job.

      LMAO, SMH, ______ (fill in that not so nice blank).

  37. Hopefully when culver term is over Strasburg, Ennis and Cannon go!

  38. I complained to the Council President who happens to be John Cannon. My complaint was about Wayne Strausburg and he just blew me off. Claimed Strausburg was a was a great guy and didn't mean what he was doing. Come to find out I just read where someone posted on this thread earlier that Cannon and Strausburg were golf buddies. Imagine that. Time for a new Council President and a new member at large. Cannon or Culver will not be getting my vote during the next election.

  39. watch Gary Mackes run for CE and Strausburg stays right where he is.

  40. tick tock Bobby . Time to man up and cut loose the dead wood.

  41. You just have to love the picture of these two(Wayne & Culver). They both look like deers in the headlights here. Wonder what this meeting was about & how much they both lied to the council. Yep, Cannon has to go, he is Wayne's BFF.

  42. "the lawyer that the Council hired also said that the Charter has been violated yet four Council Members (JOHN CANNON, MATT HOLLOWAY, JOHN HALL & ERNEST DAVIS) chose not to pursue any further action."

    These 4 members clearly violated the Charter by not taking action. They played a part in it's violation and proved they can not be trusted. John Cannon and Matt Holloway should not be the President and Vice President of the County Council. Neither of those 4 should be re-elected or you get what you asked for.

  43. Anonymous said...
    watch Gary Mackes run for CE and Strausburg stays right where he is.

    August 28, 2016 at 4:53 PM

    Mackes will not get elected. We have way too much dirt on that Dirt Bag!

  44. Any elected County Executive would have gotten rid of Wayne Strausburg within 6 months. Considering the fact that Bob Culver hasn't done that is proof that Bob is too stupid to do the job without Wayne. Pathetic Bob Culver, very pathetic.

  45. Anonymous Anonymous said...

    Conclusion, invest more into yourself and your job (if you have one), and may be you will be working rather than _____ (auto fill).

    I think you know the answer or we at least we "all" hope you do!

    My guess, you do not miss a meal, let alone work while eating. Supported by your comment above.

    Being a County Executive is a beyond a full-time job.

    LMAO, SMH, ______ (fill in that not so nice blank).

    August 28, 2016 at 10:57 PM

    Who are you telling to STHU to??

  46. I'm sure someone will vote the Strausburg/Culver ticket in 2018, won't they?


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