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Tuesday, August 02, 2016

Why A Politically Correct West Ensures A Trump Victory

Let me frame this first. I have no political affiliation in any country on this ball of dirt, don't vote, never will, and I don't care any more or any less for any minority or in fact majority group. My concern is in understanding the world and probability of outcomes so that I and my clients can position accordingly.

With that out of the way I have a confession to make.

You know what really annoys me?

When I see one of my kids get an award for "participation". They didn't come first, they didn't do anything special, and yet they get a prize.

In the real world NOBODY gets an award for getting out of bed and participating in life. It's mandatory if you don't want to starve, and merely suggesting that performance is NOT somehow important is destructive nonsense, degrading to any thinking person, and, worse, sets one up for failure.

Now some may say: "Oh well, it's just kids. It's harmless and, besides, it boosts their sense of self worth". You'd be as wrong as Miley Cyrus swinging naked on a wrecking ball because not only do kids turn into grown-ups but this sort of pandering infests society at every level.

Grooming people to enter a street fight by teaching them poetry ends only one way.

The western world today treads on egg shells, careful not to upset some minority group: gay, non-gay, religious, non-religious, Black, Asian, Arab, pink, brown, cream-coloured with spots, transgender, or just plain thick. In fact, especially thick. The thicker one is the more they have the ability to yell "disadvantaged" and deflect responsibility. Because after all, it's always someone else's fault.

You expect that of someone aged 4. When an adult spews such garbage, they should be treated with the disrespect deserving of it but society has been accepting this nonsense.

Today we have daily examples of this absurdity. This is from an article in the Observer:



  1. Excellent article.

  2. PC did not get started organically.
    It was not natural.
    It was foisted upon the public largely by the power of the Media.
    The Media is owned and operated as a propaganda organization to affect people's minds.
    Our opinions and attitudes have been molded by this huge media empire which is owned by 6 corporations.


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