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Friday, August 12, 2016

Why I’m voting for Donald Trump – give me potential over platitudes

“Judge not lest you be judged” sayeth the Good Book and I believe far too many have already unfairly judged Donald Trump through a negative media filter and dismissed his candidacy.

The media is tiring of its shiny new toy which delivered such great ratings, so little wonder they are now castigating him as the polls slip and the ponderous experts explain why just a few months after explaining the exact opposite.

Back then the power of Trump’s independent vision had them swooning.

Yes, the man has made mistakes, is new to politics and politicking, has been rude, crude and abrupt, but we’re not voting for preacher of the year.

I’d still prefer his vision of working America and and a “get off your butt and stop complaining” America vision to the Mommy state and the tax and spend vision ofHillary Clinton.

It has become the prime battle between the two parties – tax your way out of recession or cut taxes and inspire job creation to end the recession.

Given that Barack Obama and his Democrats have had eight years to move America forward and yet close to 75 percent of folks think we’re heading in the wrong direction, I rest my case.

There are also the great moral issues, most notably abortion and the United States Supreme Court. Ruth Bader Ginsburg is over 80 and has had several health issues. Scaliamust be replaced; Kennedy is fast reaching the end of his long tenure, while Breyer is also getting up there. There are consistent stories that Clarence Thomas will retire sometime in the next term.

This is the oldest group of judges on the Supreme Court in history and the change brought about by the next president could be historic with perhaps three or four picks over a first and second term.

A Democratic court will find a way to allow partial birth abortion, there is nothing surer. It will also quickly forget the Scalia influence, which made prior law, or the lack of it, critical when making decisions.



  1. We are doomed to stay on this death spiral with Hillary in the White House. A substantive change has to occur to give us any chance.

  2. I'm seeing a independent poll with Trump over 90%. Let's start taking our own polls. Th MSM is ridiculous!

  3. that's the way I feel too. Trump has his issues for sure but I really don't KNOW if he will do anything 'bad' or 'wrong'.

    Killary, on the other hand, has proven, PROVEN, time after time how crooked she is, how often she lies, mysterious dead bodies surround her and Bill, using her position as Sect'y of State to sell her influence as 'favors' and other things too numerous to mention.

    And I have yet to meet a single person who does support killary. I see all the polls, comments on the internet in support of her, and other various things that proclaim killary the greatest thing since sliced bread. It just doesn't add up in my view.

    Here's a 'tinfoil' theory: the media and whatever else, says those things, publishes those 'polls', in preparation for a killary win. Even if that win is the product of a computer program that switches votes. Then 'they' can point to those polls and other things and say, 'see, we told you she was winning'.

    This election cycle has become such a soap opera.


  4. Hillary has nothing positive to speak for all her years as First Lady of Arkansas, First Lady of the United States, U.S. Senator from New York. and Secretary of State under the arguably worst president in history. She's been a failure or a coattail rider in all of those, with nothing to show for it except amassing great personal wealth and placing herself in a position of higher power.
    She left her constituents behind (NY), those who depended on her for their lives (Benghazi), and those who depended on her for salvation (Haiti). She is beyond redemption and must never reach the big chair.


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