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Monday, August 15, 2016

What makes marijuana users different from everyone else

A massive study published this month in the Journal of Drug Issues found that the proportion of marijuana users who smoke daily has rapidly grown, and that many of those frequent users are poor and lack a high-school diploma.

Examining a decade of federal surveys of drug use conducted between 2002 and 2013, study authors Steven Davenport and Jonathan Caulkins paint one of the clearest pictures yet of the demographics of current marijuana use in the U.S. They found that the profile of marijuana users is much closer to cigarette smokers than alcohol drinkers, and that a handful of users consume much of the marijuana used in the U.S.

"In the early 1990s only one in nine past-month [marijuana] users reported using daily or near-daily," Davenport and Caulkins write. "Now it is fully one in three. Daily or near-daily users now account for over two-thirds of self-reported days of use (68%)."



  1. Seems like some socioeconomic factors didn't make the study.

  2. Many of those frequent users are poor and lack a high-school diploma, because the started smoking in high school. Just one more reason not to listen to the morons that say smoking pot is not harmful.

  3. Most of those who favor the legal ingestion of marijuana do so as lovers of liberty. I know of nobody who encourages children to enjoy a mind altering product.

    Please allow us to own our bodies. Like we once did. Give us freedom

  4. Successful, Famous, Cannabis-Smoking Geniuses
    From Neil deGrasse, carl Sagan, Tyson to Bill Gates, plenty of geniuses admit to enjoying pot.

  5. One of my customers (I own a remodeling business in oc) is worth $20 million and one of the biggest potheads I know lol. He's almost 60 years old, works 24/7, very giving with his financial success and an all around cool guy. I think these studies are flawed. I was working on his deck at one of hus beachouses in the beginning of summer and a bunch of the people he works with were down for the weekend. Smelled like a Bob Marley concert on the 2nd floor it was crazy the amount they were smoking.

  6. Like you will get truthful responses by asking strangers if they use illegal substances. Some of the people around here that smoke would really surprise you.

  7. like moonshine, once it is legal, i won't want it..

  8. It was using information from federal surveys? That smells from the get-go.


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