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Sunday, August 28, 2016

Warped Individuals: Warning, Foul Language

This picture was shared on Facebook and has gone viral . The pictures below are screen shots from people that think a child being slapped by a teen is funny. The person that did this is even harassing family members.  
This did not happen locally it happened in 
South Carolina



The  screen shots below are of the family of the little girl being harassed by this poor excuse of a human that slapped her. 

 Here is the hateful idiot that is claiming he did this to a child.


  1. slap my 5 yr old and you won't have to worry about breakfast or what you'll be doing tomorrow or the kops!

  2. I wonder if this will get to the MSM. Not a chance , black guy smacks white kid , won't happen. Now if it were a white guy smacking a black kid , National News!

  3. What's his work shirt say?

  4. I just did a quick search on this story and wow! It is crazy what the black community in that area are saying about this. The consensus is that she deserved it. Like others have said, had this been my child...I would have been in county lock up.

    655, you are exactly right. Not a peep!

  5. I really believe I would kill the person that did this if it was my kid

  6. Go to their facebook wall it's all on there..Make them famous.

  7. Now the punk ass pos just started a trend to smack little white kids,do it my kid and you aint reaching 18.

  8. Prison wouldn't be such a bad place if one had a chance to get a couple of minutes in with the sissy who would slap a five year old.
    I'd be waiting at the bus stop the next day and after I got off, he wouldn't be laughing at anything. He'd be wheelchair bound for the rest of his life and whatever his dominant hand was, it would be in my back pocket. Lock me up.
    I'd be SO be elated if one or two of his bad -ass friends thought they might want to come to his rescue. THAT would be something to laugh at....
    And their relatives and friends think it was DESERVED???
    There is no way to change that attitude, except with a bullet.
    Keep cheering.

  9. What kind of animal hits a small child and is proud of it. Lock him up before he kills someone.

  10. They would have to lock me up if this was my daughter. I just would not be able to control my anger at this point.

  11. Joe this post needs to be on top,

    PRINCIPLE 803 245 3030

    803 245 2462

  12. 11:36
    Can schools even punish kids anymore? Usually they just shake their finger at them and think that will do the trick.

  13. I went to the facebook page and was reading the comments. There are people trying to justify what this idiot did to this child. They asked what the 5 yr old did to the 17yr old. I don't care what she did. She is 5 he was 17! I just don't understand the logic of some people. Of course now the race card is being thrown about.

  14. Why in the world is a 5yr old and 17yr old riding the same bus?

  15. Why would a 5 year old and a 17 year old be riding the same bus ? Answer is that he failed the first grade 12 times , what a culture , thanks obama.

  16. Ugh wish I wouldn't have even looked at this. I feel like crap inside now. Worst news story on sby news right now.

  17. This is blatantly fake. The profile picture thumbnail in the Facebook Messenger conversation doesn't match Tavon's profile picture.

  18. Tyler it is not fake. He closed that account or facebook banned it. He has since either opened a new one or started using a different one. Maybe the video was posted on the other account and facebook closed it or the police have the account now investigating.

  19. This idiot should suffer a beating until he wound up in a wheel chair the rest of his life.

  20. Anonymous Anonymous said...
    This idiot should suffer a beating until he wound up in a wheel chair the rest of his life.

    August 28, 2016 at 7:26 PM

    Why let him live? He would just become another burden to us.

  21. Try to hit one here in Texas see what happens to you smart guy

  22. "Kids" like Tavon are the reason that private schools are bursting at the seams.What is the point of "educating" a violent mindless piece of crap?We pay for schools our kids are not even safe going to.Please win Mr. Trump

  23. But but...I thought they were just like us!


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