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Friday, August 26, 2016

US Urges Citizens In Afghanistan To Leave Country

The US Embassy in Kabul has advised US citizens to avoid the area near American University... and more...

Mission Accomplished?


  1. We will never be welcome there, as we have pummeled their tribes and culture for so long trying to put in place a central government they have never had and do not want. We represent now the epitome of their worst enemy. Any American over there still gullible enough to think that we can still somehow "help" the citizens there (And yes, including Barack Obama) deserves just the beheading they have coming.

  2. Shouldnt be there in the first place.

  3. These people crap where they eat literally. Pack up and get the hell out. They are filthy dogs. Christians need to get out. The entire land is the Devil's play ground. Sorry I equate it to trying to help the thug sub culture in America they are just too ignorant to help. Ever try talking to a rock well same thing here. Kill em all or leave them alone there is no middle ground here.

  4. A lot of money being made in Afghanistan growing and processing poppies.


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