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Saturday, August 27, 2016

Unofficial Trump Ad That Will Win The Election


  1. This is what Americans need.

  2. Where can I get a Make America Great Again hat/tee shirt/etc etc? I will proudly wear these items
    and will be interesting what the liberals have to say about it. This video is so powerful and very scary
    to see what Obama/Hillary and their cronies have done to our great country!

  3. If hillary gets elected the country is DONE.

  4. Propaganda and it's best... or should I say worst. Almost EVERY thing stated in the opening of this video is patently false.

    Wake up, sheeple. Start using your brains, and questioning what people who want power are saying..

    Don't get confused, I don't like Hilary either, but stop pretending that Trump is any sort of savior. He's lying to you as much as Hilary is...


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