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Saturday, August 13, 2016

U Of Oregon May Meet BLM Demand To Rename Buildings

The University of Oregon (UO) appears ready to acquiesce to Black Lives Matter by renaming two buildings on campus named for men who held racist views.

In November, 2015, the UO Black Student Task Force presented a list of 12 demands to administrators at the school. The demands included requiring all students to take an ethnic studies class, creating special black-only scholarships, and hiring more black professors in STEM (science, technology, engineering and math) disciplines.

But the top demand on the list, and one UO has actually moved substantively to meet, was to rename certain buildings on UO’s flagship Eugene campus. In January, UO administrators created a committee to review the fate of Deady Hall, named for Matthew Deady, and Dunn Hall, named for Frederick Dunn. Deady was a judge and politician who helped create Oregon’s state Constitution, which barred all black people from the state. Dunn was a prominent professor in the early 20th century, who also was an officer with the Ku Klux Klan during its 1920s heyday.



  1. This isn't even worth the paper it's written on!!! I'm tired of hearing people living in the past who cares about a name on a building, whoever is behind this whole movement and understanding how weak this country will continue to become when it's divided has succeeded

  2. This isn't even worth the paper it's written on!!! I'm tired of hearing people living in the past who cares about a name on a building, whoever is behind this whole movement and understanding how weak this country will continue to become when it's divided has succeeded

  3. This stuff will continue as long as people keep caving to it.

  4. Imam and assistant assasinated in queens ny today in broad daylight

  5. If you cave to terrorism it only inspires them to do more terrorism. Which is the point for leftists.

  6. I don't understand, why are universities, cities, schools and rolling over and giving into these petulant, self-entitled racists, and their ridiculous, petty demands. Simply tell them they are welcome to transfer elsewhere, that is more aligned with their presumed "culture". Like Whine Yo Tech, or Weebee Ballin U.


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