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Monday, August 01, 2016

Trump's Response To Parents Of Killed Muslim Soldier: "Hillary Voted For The Iraq War, Not Me!"

With the media in full frenzy during the past three days over the public feud between the Pakistan-born Khizr Khan, who last week told the story of his son, a Muslim US army captain who received a Bronze Star and a Purple Heart after being killed in Iraq in 2004, and Donald Trump, earlier this morning the Republican presidential candidate refused to back down, defending his criticism of the parents by complaining on Twitter that the father "viciously attacked" him in his speech at the Democratic National Convention.
I was viciously attacked by Mr. Khan at the Democratic Convention. Am I not allowed to respond? Hillary voted for the Iraq war, not me!

He added that Khan, who was killed 12 years ago, "was a hero" but that "this is about RADICAL ISLAMIC TERROR and the weakness of our "leaders" to eradicate it.

Captain Khan, killed 12 years ago, was a hero, but this is about RADICAL ISLAMIC TERROR and the weakness of our "leaders" to eradicate it!
There has been much back and forth between the two parties, with Khan most recently questioning whether Trump had ever read the Constitution and saying "you have sacrificed nothing." As AP notes, this was the latest bitter rhetorical volley between the defiant Republican candidate and the family of the fallen soldier. A quick recap of the key highlights for those who have not watched TV in the last three days.


  1. Apparently Mr. Khan saw something in America he wanted to enjoy; wanted same benefits for his family. All can relate to that. Don't know if he got his legal training here or abroad.

    His son, an Army Captain, was killed in Iraq in June 2004. He had his men stay back as he approached a suspicious vehicle; the driver detonated it killing himself, a passenger, the Captain and two Iraqi soldiers. Bronze Star and Purple Heart. We thank the son and grieve with his family. Captain Khan entered the Army in 2000 after graduating college. He was promoted twice and planned to attend law school later in 2004 at his alma mater. Bill Clinton was president when he enlisted and 9/11 had not occurred yet. Sen. Hillary Clinton (D-NY) voted after 9/11 to authorize a military response.

    The above are uncontested facts.

    What led Mr. Khan, who practices immigration law, to the stage in Philly is unclear. Did he approach Hillary's staff? My guess, and that is what it is, is that they found him as part of a search for a Muslim military member who had been killed to counter-balance Mr. Trump's call for more thorough vetting of emergency immigrants from Muslim countries.

    So Mr. Khan was a catch and was happy to lay into Trump. His wife accompanied him to the podium but said nothing. From the photos, her attire and silent positioning sort of reinforced the stereotype of women as subordinate objects for followers of that faith. I didn't watch any DNC events so have only seen some snippets of Mr. Khan's attack on TV news. Seems to me he painted with a very broad brush. I wasn't very impressed by the Constitution waving theatrics in support of a candidate and administration that ignore it whenever its language restricts them.

    We have had an all-volunteer military since shortly after Bill Clinton reneged on his officer's commission when he got a high number in the draft lottery. So Mr. Khan's crack that Mr. Trump had never served in any capacity was a strawman, the usual Obama technique.

    Mr. Trump did comment about Mrs. Khan not speaking; in retrospect that might have been better left unsaid. But all of his comments I have seen have been very laudatory about Captain Khan and respectful about the Khans' personal loss. He has taken issue with Mr. Khan's personal attacks which are not related to his son's death.

    Since this serves to distract from all of Hillary's errors, problems and shortcomings her lapdog MSM is beating it into the ground. She lied to the face of a Benghazi mom at the mortuary in Dover when she and Obama made a show of caring.

    So she voted to send Lt. Khan to war, engineered the Benghazi quagmire and lied to the face of surviving family members. Don't expect to see that discussed on the news!

  2. Mr. Khan's son was indeed an American hero god rest his soul. He was killed by the same people Trump is trying to prevent coming into our country. But Mr. Khan is not who he appears to be as just the grieving father. He is a lawyer that came here from Saudi Arabia and is connected to OPEC oil and he is associated with the Clinton Foundation. Hillary used this man for his and her gains monetarily with illegal immigrants and investments overseas. There are always wolves with sheeps clothing. She is just get more crooked everyday.

  3. Did you notice any similarity in how the dems & others viewed the mother of Sean Smith at the gop convention?
    Of course not.

  4. Never forget Benghazi.

  5. He jumped onto Trump with the "you sacrificed nothing" line. What did Hilary sacrifice. What did Obama sacrifice. I'm not saying the man didn't lose something, he did. His son. But Trump is not responsible for that. And Trump is not saying bar ALL Muslims from the country. He is saying that they need to be vetted, that we need to be more careful of who we let into the country, that we are not protecting our borders. They like to make it seem like he is saying lock up all the borders, let NO ONE in, and ship out all the ones who are here illegally. I've never heard him say that. I heard a BLM person telling another black that Trump was going to ship all African Americans back to Africa. Where did that come from?

  6. Hillary stoops so low as to pimp out the death of Capt.Kahn for her own political gain.


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