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Wednesday, August 24, 2016

Trump Demands Special Prosecutor To Investigate Clinton's "Email Crimes"

"After the FBI and Department of Justice whitewash of the Clinton e-mail crimes, they certainly cannot be trusted to quickly or impartially investigate Hillary Clinton’s crimes," Donald Trump calmly stated during a speech in Akron, Ohio tonight, demanding the appointment of a special prosecutor to investigate Democratic presidential rival Hillary Clinton's "e-mail crimes" stemming from her tenure as secretary of state.

Trump's appeal came the same day a conservative watchdog group, Judicial Watch, released 725 pages of State Department documents, including some it said were examples of preferential treatment provided to donors at the request of former Clinton Foundation executive Douglas Band.

Trump's speech focussed on Clinton's use of a private e-mail server and address, as well as what he called the "pay-to-play" actions of the Clinton Foundation, both of which, Trump said, "disgraced one of the most important departments of government."

"I've become increasingly shocked by the vast scope of Hillary Clinton's criminality. It's criminality. Everybody knows it..."

"The Justice Department is required to appoint a special prosecutor because it has proved to be, sadly, a political arm of the White House," Trump said. "Nobody has ever seen anything like it before."

As Bloomberg notes, the new line of attack came as Trump's presidential campaign opened its first week under new leadership trying out a number of ways to broaden its support and begin to close the polling gap with Clinton.



  1. Trump has to be careful with this. If they assign a special independent investigator. Hillary will have the perfect out by saying it's under investigation I cannot comment on it instead of answering or attempting to answer the questions from the media if they ever ask her.

  2. I agree with Trump on this one!


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