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Thursday, August 25, 2016

Trump Defeats Hillary in Poll, Monmouth Amends it to Give Hillary Victory

Poll weighted 29 Republicans to 33 Democrats to let Hillary win

Monmouth University was caught amending a poll to give Hillary Clinton victory despite the fact that the original poll showed Donald Trump to be the winner.

The original unweighted poll showed Trump beating Hillary in Ohio 41-39, but when the poll was later amended to include more Democrats, Hillary was handed victory by a margin of 43-39.

The unweighted sampling of voters was split 33.3R/29.3D/35.6I, but wassubsequently changed (pages 6-7) to 29R/33D/37I in order to ensure Hillary came out on top.

When Twitter users called out Monmouth University over the controversy, pollster Patrick Murray denied the poll was weighted by Party ID, even though it clearly was.



  1. Colleges are a big big dangerous part of this rainbow war. Corrupting young minds on a daily basis with marxist idealogy and stealing their free thinking. They are brainwashed to the new demonic NWO.The insanity in america is insane.

  2. The media is in charge! They can slant it any way they want!

  3. I believe all the polls are slanted to reflect Hillary leading. But that is the media for you. I believe a true accurate poll would show Trump leading by a landslide. Number one nobody trusts Hillary. And everyday more murders or her taking money from terrorists. Her lying to everyone about everything even rapes by her husband. And all she can say is Trump is a racist. She doesn't even speak about the issues just downing Trump. And Now Trump is giving specifics on how to improve America, the economy, jobs and such. Hillary has no chance of winning unless there is voter fraud which is how Obama stole the last election.

  4. The MSM polls are bogus, anyone with at least half of a brain knows they are a propaganda arm of the Democratic party. In my job I get around the mid-Atlantic area and everywhere I go and people I talk to, its Trump by a landslide. Even people I know that were liberal voters in the past are voting for Trump. Only in the middle of the big cities is there strong support for Hillary (surprise, surprise).

  5. 8:33, I have two friends who have been democrats their entire adult lives who switched parties to republican recently.

  6. Nice to see they finally see the light.


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