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Wednesday, August 24, 2016

Trump bashes Clinton for lying about Colin Powell

Donald Trump called out Hillary Clinton's claim to the FBI that former Secretary of State Colin Powell advised her to use a personal email account during her time at the State Department.

Appearing on "Fox and Friends," Trump said Clinton "lied" about Powell's advice, which he says came a full year after she started using her private server in Chappaqua, N.Y., adding that the entire situation is a "scam."

"She's a liar. I mean, she lies. She lied about the email," Trump said before turning to Powell. "She lied about Colin Powell. I saw that. He was not happy."

"The whole thing is a scam with them," Trump added. "Everything is a scam, like grifters."



  1. Hillary told us we white people need to listen more to what black people are saying!!

  2. She did lie to the FBI, now the question is, what is Director Comey going to do about it? He has the power to charge her. It's clear as day. There's no reason, if she wasn't masking some deeper crime, for her to lie or destroy for that matter. People get a clue.


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