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Sunday, August 07, 2016

Their Hero


  1. I am not pleased.

  2. This November expect the same , but it will be in greater numbers.

  3. Yet the rinos do nothing. How can you vote without showing I.D.? UNBELIEVABLE! !!

  4. I am not surprised!

  5. Birds of a feather flock together.

  6. I will vote Trump. I will be voting early and often.

  7. And that is why this goofus is in office now. And if we don't watch out another goofus liar will be in office who is just as bad and maybe worse than the one we have now. VOTE TRUMP!!!

  8. I do not like it because no one has to show I.D. to vote. Why do they even give you a voter registration card if you don't have to use it and your driver's license to vote? Come on, make us show I.D. to vote.

  9. Liberals CHEER criminals, drug addicts, single mothers on welfare, pimps, whores, felons, $15 an hour fry cooks, and political double-talk.
    I don't have enough ammo or rope.
    But, together, I think we can get the job done.
    Keep cheering.

  10. Democrats are criminals. period.

  11. Lol got a source for this, conspiro-nuts? Truth is since 2000 over 1 billion votes have been cast and there've been less than 100 even potential-let alone likely- instances of voter fraud. The real voter fraud is republican legislators frantically trying to disenfranchise minorities and young people as their old white fogey voter base fades away


  12. This is an outrage! Why didn't Obama commute her harsh sentence? He's gotta have a cellphone on the golf course. C'mon, bro!

  13. She will one day answer to a higher authority, God can't be fooled he sees all.

  14. blackfraudvotesmatter

  15. 1:09....deaf, dumb and blind much???

  16. The fraud goes beyond the "thousands" of illegal multiple votes. There are many cast on rigged machines that go unnoticed by many. This is the only way power-hungry liberals stay in office. The media is on their side, the special interest lobbyists are on their side, and hoodlums with no respect for law are on their side. And honest hard-working Americans are silent.


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