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Monday, August 08, 2016

The Mendacity Behind Obama's Mockery of the Cash-for-Iran Story

"It is not at all clear to me why it is that cash, as opposed to a check or wire transfer, has made this into a news story."

-- President Barack Obama, Pentagon Press Conference, August 4, 2016

Thus did President Obama scold those who are now asking why his administration secretly airlifted $400 million worth of cash to Iran this past January, just as Iran was releasing four American prisoners. By Obama's account, there's nothing to see here. Not only did Obama deny, despite the striking coincidence of timing, that the payment was a ransom. He also mocked anyone who might see the story of the cash itself as troubling news, or newsworthy at all.Obama dismissed such reactions as "the manufacturing of outrage in a story that we disclosed in January."

Welcome, once again, to the vertigo of the Obama "narrative," in which the priority of his "most transparent" administration is not to deal honestly with the American public, but to spin a web of half truths, enmeshed in complexities, to cover up highly questionable uses of power -- and then, if caught red-handed, use the bully pulpit to deride and dismiss the critics.



  1. We have only caught him this time , how many other times has he given my cash money away and to whom? I see that Hillary is now worth in excess of $300,000,000 , wonder where that came from?

  2. Cash so it cant be tracked to his offshore accounts.... he lies, cheats and causes destruction of our Country, he hates America....surely he wouldnt hesitate to steal a few billion before he leaves...

  3. Organized crime with the ultimate boss.


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