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Sunday, August 21, 2016

Structure Fire In Salisbury, Cook Out Restaurant

Salisbury Stations 16, 1 and 2  and Station 3 from Fruitland are being dispatched to the Cook Out Restaurant at 1115 South Salisbury Blvd for a structure fire.

Fire department on scene, nothing showing.

Situation is under control.


  1. Those dumb a$$e$ at Wicomico Central dispatch everything as a "Structure" fire because it makes them sound cool. Just wait till they kill someone for these false alarms!!

    1. Don't see you putting an application in. You have no idea who, how or why incidents are dispatched

  2. 6:16
    Who was the idiot that called into dispatch claiming there was smoke coming from the top of the building. That usually happens when you cook burgers.

    Why are they now dispatching 4 stations for a structure fire? I haven't heard of them doing in anywhere in the county where there are only volunteer firemen. Why do they do it where there are paid firemen.

  3. Someone need to show them how to fight a fire since they usually just chase ambulances but on the bright side the paid ones know exactly where the Cook Out is located.

    1. 6:58 would you be available and willing to volunteer your time to teach them how to fight a fire?

  4. Oh no is cookout OK?

  5. I am and never was a fireman, but wonder what it is about the rivalry. Every time a fire is mentioned on here the comments fly in. Is it jealousy among the brethren or what? I thought fireman were a brotherhood like police. For example a few weeks ago when there was a fire at a bank in Willard's. Just wondering

    1. There are a lot of trolls and Monday night quarterbacking from uneducated people on here that just like to stir the pot. Along with a few fire fighters who think they know it all too or who have a grudge because something didn't go there way.

  6. Wow! Just imagine! Smoke coming from a BBQ place just before the dinner hour!

  7. They dispatched four stations because so many volunteers don't answer to round out a full crew.

  8. Nothing is right about the Salisbury Fire Departments. NOTHING

  9. 7:26 I certainly could considering the years of service I dedicated to the fire service, the training I have from multiple states' fire academies and my Master's degree in Safety Mgmt. however I am retired and most of you/them aren't capable of learning anything new.

  10. The restaurant is in the middle of Salisbury. If the paid fireman can't put out a fire without the help of volunteers, then they should go back to farming instead being farmin.

    1. Do you know how many are staffed for a shift? I doubt it. Or what staff and equipment are needed for structure fires? Again I doubt it. You are a farmin troll who just likes to stir the pot.

  11. These comments are so negative! What if there was fire? What if someone was hurt? They are there volunteering their time in order to possibly save a life! Have some respect! Save your comments for someone who gives a Damn or keep them to yourself! When did the saying "if you don't have something nice to say then don't say it all" go out the window? Be kind and be respectful!

    1. Well put. I agree with you totally. Glad no one was hurt and nothing was damaged.

  12. 8:26...you certainly could what? Your credentials were not question, nor were you unless you are one of the complainers making comments. Sure seems like you are with a response like that. The question was, is it jealousy among the brethren or what? Maybe I wasn't clear that the comments come flying in knocking each other. Thank you for you're service and enjoy retirement!

  13. 10:13
    If you are going to call someone uneducated you might want to learn the difference between there and their.

    1. So I didn't proof read I stand by what I wrote.

  14. 10:17
    I think 8:26 was talking to the other person that commented at 7:26. There were 2 people that posted a comment at 7:26.

  15. My son is one of those volunteers. He works full time and volunteers 7 days a week. I hardly see him because he is always at the station. It makes me sad that people don't appreciate his "volunteered" time to help our community. Could you be woken at all times of the night to answer a call? Can you handle the stress when someone is severely injured or does not make it? He does not get paid - he does it because he cares. Perhaps a "Thank You" would be nice for our volunteers?

  16. Wonder if they got their dinner free for being in uniform?

  17. 10:45
    Thank you for clearing that up. I hadn't noticed the two post. I seldom post due to things like this. I've made comments and had my bones jumped for no reason. I wasn't looking to start anything, just didn't understand why all the friction. 10:13 enlightened me some, thanks. My apologizes to 8:26 and all that I confused. Thanks again 10:45

  18. How in the world did Darring "Forest Gump" Scott get promoted to Deputy Chief? What a joke!

  19. Forest Gump.... LMAO. Run Darrin, Run! Cheat on that promotion. We all know how you got it!

    1. This seems like someone close to the situation. Interesting.


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