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Saturday, August 20, 2016

Soros Behind Muslim Takeover of West

Soros gave "global grants" to fund Muslim migrants

A leaked internal report from international hedge fund financial manipulator George Soros’s Open Society Foundations and its International Migration Initiative (IMI) describes how Soros bankrolled the opening of global routes for illegal migration.

The report is titled “Migration Governance and Enforcement Portfolio Review” and is dated May 12, 2016.

The use of economic and political refugees as “weapons of mass migration” was described in the editor’s recent book, “Soros: Quantum of Chaos.”



  1. I'll remind everyone; Soros is an EVIL man, never to be trusted, always to be watched. He is on a mission to completely 'mold' the world in His image. He hates Israel and the Jewish people. He will NOT stop until the Muslims have overtaken every nation on earth. He wants ALL nations borders destroyed. NO BORDERS anywhere. He has, does and will manipulate currencies all over the world, destroying the economic systems of nations. I tell you again; Soros is EVIL, period. He is controlling Obama, the Clintons, and all other Globalists. He controls people all over the world. Yes; he is that rich and that powerful. BUT, 'we the people' IF we continue to expose him, his evil deeds and the people he controls; then vole for Trump/Pence16, we still have a chance...

    If you don't believe me, google this info for yourself.

  2. How did this turd get so rich and why doesn't he use his funds for something worth wild? Guess we have a difference of opinions.

  3. Why is he allowed in the US or have money / businesses in the US? He is a National threat to the US. OH! I forgot he is best of buddies with Obama, Hillary and the Liberal DemocRATs who are out to destroy the US.

  4. Soros is the public soldier of the financial elite in London and Tel Aviv.


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