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Friday, August 26, 2016

Should Louisiana’s Citizen Rescue Fleet, “Cajun Navy,” Face Government Regulation?

Not long ago I reported on the brave Louisiana residents who used their own boats and supplies, set out to rescue their fellow flood victims, and all without government involvement. They outperformed the government so well, in fact, that many were saved, fed, and received medical attention long before any government entity arrived. It's a testament to just how well Americans can take care of themselves, and each other, in a crisis, and without the helping hand of big brother.

These citizens that set out to help their fellow victims were called the "Cajun Navy," and their story has spread far and wide. They've been celebrated all over the country, and it's well deserved.

But it would appear that government wishes to regulate the Cajun Navy so that in the future, everything is done under the approval of the Louisiana government. Or at least, that's the rumor floating around.



  1. OMG, leave them alone. They'll do a better job, as proven, than the government will ever do and do it quicker too.

  2. They should be regulated by the federal government. Didn't you know that the feds do everything cheaper and better than regular citizens? Yeah, right!

  3. Government needs to stay out.

  4. The gov't doesn't like it when people fend for themselves, because the gov't isn't in control, oh and I forgot about the fees.

  5. The government takeover of any entity is an abysmal failure! They are supposed to, constitutionally create laws and provide a defence. Instead they endlessly borrow and steal our fortunes and futures. They took the welfare system away from the churches who fed and clothed and instilled morality better. There was no need for abortion clinics, WIC, or any other social programs. This other failure has only increased taxes and has done nothing to decrease poverty. It has only enslaved Generations. Then we have FEMA. Another useless tax sucking waste. abysmal failure once again proving that the citizens of this country are better suited to provide for each other then the nanny state! Obamacare, postal service, civil service, the list waste and incompetence is endless!

  6. Leave these poor souls alone for GOD's sake. Haven't they all suffered enough and then on top of all the flooding having that idiot photo grabbing president come all be it a week later when the damage was already done rubbed more salt into an open wound.

    These already know how to help each other and what to do and not to do. I for one, am very thankful they are willing to help anyone who needs it.

  7. They didn't do that...the government did.

  8. Gov mint should stay out since they didn't go in!

  9. Just another way for the government to collect revenue


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