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Tuesday, August 30, 2016

Sheriff to press charges after 4-year-old thrown from bridge

MONTESANO, Wash. (KOMO) -- The Grays Harbor Sheriff's Office plans to recommend charges be brought against the mother of a 4-year-old thrown from a bridge and against the man who tossed the child.

A video of the incident went viral on Facebook, giving it international attention and causing the Sheriff's Office to be flooded with media inquiries.

Steve Shumate with the Sheriff's Office said information that the mother and the man were cited for reckless endangerment is incorrect. He said statements were taken, but a decision needs investigation and should be determined Wednesday.



  1. Like there was the possibility he wouldn't?

  2. If it were a cop doing this to his kid, there would be no charges... Hell the police station might lend a hand and help toss the kid over for him...

  3. The kid had a life jacket on and wanted to jump. He just got encouragement when he chickened out. Maybe he won't be a girly man when he gets older now.

  4. The kid loved it! No abuse. The busy-bodies with the cell phone camera should be charged for making a false report.


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