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Wednesday, August 10, 2016

Sheriff David Clarke: Hillary Is 'a Straight Up Cop Hater'

During Monday’s “Fox & Friends” on the Fox News Channel, Milwaukee Co., WI Sheriff David Clarke called Democratic presidential nominee Hillary Clinton “a straight up cop hater” who is “all in with the criminal element.”

Clarke said, “She has made it clear from the convention that she is all in with the criminal element, she doesn’t care about victims of crime, she’s a straight up cop hater and so she is, like I said, rolling the dice on not having support of law enforcement. The problem for her is that middle America, mainstream America does not share her sentiment in having sympathy for criminals.”



  1. Boring. Another blowhard on the airwaves. Look folks, its simple, you can love cops and still speak out against bad cops. Just like you can love eating mickie D's but still acknowledge its not the best thing for your health. Dont you guys get tired of clowns on tv from both sides that would have you think EVERY issue is an all or nothing proposition? Where has that attitude gotten us? Ill tell you: Trillions in debt, driven by both sides of the aisle, and increasing numbers of working poor.

  2. Mostly agree with your post, but most Democrats are cop haters in general. They still think Michael Brown is a hero.

  3. Not only does she hate the people in blue but also the military. If elected, her presidency would be an absolute disaster!

  4. All criminals hate cops. Why should Hillary be different?

    If it walks like a duck...

  5. I hate her so its all good. Drunken fool that she is. Notice no close ups of her eyes. D.R.E.s would see she is on drugs. The women is doped up 90% of the time.

  6. I always thought she was dopey. Guess she is doped up. Lol

  7. Many of us hate cops and it has nothing to do with black people.
    Cops enforce stupid laws to collect money for the government.
    Seat belt violations. Speeding with no accidents. so on. and on and on.

  8. Hate cops. Hate cops this, hate cops that. I am seeing a lot of that tonight. Everyone does NOT hate cops, nor do all criminals hate cops. You probably are not their BFF when you catch them, but that's just a hazard of their occupation.

    You have to admit you guys do some pretty lame stuff. Hiding in a bucket truck to catch speeders? Pretending to be a criminal to catch a criminal. Unmarked cars? Using confiscated vehicles to blend in and hide? etc., etc., etc.

    You think it's so cool to swoop down on people from out of nowhere to take their money. It's all a game and usually we are on the losing team. Yeah we know you have your job to do. But calling it your job don't make it right.

  9. 3:55 PM and 9:00 PM
    The spoken word from criminals. Really profound.

    The last paragraph from 9:00 PM sounds just like what the victim of a robbery may say.


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