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Sunday, August 14, 2016

Report: Baltimore Police ‘Violated Civil Rights, Conducted Unlawful Stops’

BALTIMORE (WJZ)—The Department of Justice is expected to release a report on Wednesday that the Baltimore Police Department routinely violated civil rights, sources tell our media partner the Baltimore Sun.

The long anticipated report has allegedly found that police “routinely violated the constitutional rights of residents by conducting unlawful stops and using excessive force” the Sun reports.

The DOJ launched an investigation into the BPD following the death of 25-year-old Freddie Gray last April.

The results of the Justice Department’s investigation are expected to be announced Wednesday in Baltimore at a press conference attended by high-ranking federal law enforcement officials and city leaders.

Baltimore City State’s Attorney Marilyn Mosby released the following statement ahead of Wednesday’s report:



  1. Yeah right. Shocker DOJ is siding with mayor. I don't believe anything that comes out of their mouths... I'm a life long democrat and will never vote for one again. Clinton asked for this result and will use for her lying campaign. Makes me sick.... Btw Baltimore is pretty much a war zone now that police stopped being proactive. And Freddie Gray killed himself in custody.

  2. Its hard to say that black people were more likely to be stopped than whites. Parts of Baltimore are all black, so how can you say police target blacks when the whole community is black?

  3. Blah,blah,blah. Just like Freddy gray didn't commit suicide! !! RIIIGGGHHHTTTT!!!!

  4. So tell me how your handcuffed feet to hand in back of a van a sever your splene? Salisbury has got to be the most racist place in maryland you'll need to get a life.

    1. By hauling himself upright then launching off the bench in a deliver attempt to injure himself. He knew that was a guaranteed payout, as he had pulled that stunt previously.

      He pushed his luck too far, one time too many. Lead poisoning doesn't exactly produce geniuses.

      Too "racist" for you? Move.

  5. August 10, 2016 at 3:45 PM
    August 10, 2016 at 4:10 PM
    August 10, 2016 at 3:56 PM

    This is either one stupid person or three stupid people.

  6. The police need to stop policing black neighborhoods then. They hate the police and don't want them around so the police need to back off. Let them to their own murdering thieving drug dealing criminal thug ways. Their neighborhoods are already crap let them get worse. They asked for it so they deserve every single crime that happens to them or their kind. Heathens is all they are.

  7. They cited no evidence.

  8. BLACK JUDGE BLACK VERDICT !!!!!!!!!!! I guess you toads just can not get it. Most crime committed by Blacks do the math. Whites are sick of the whining. Gimme gimme gimme the Black mantra

  9. Anonymous said...
    So tell me how your handcuffed feet to hand in back of a van a sever your splene? Salisbury has got to be the most racist place in maryland you'll need to get a life.

    August 10, 2016 at 4:26 PM

    I tend to agree with you but you have to take into account the other people from different areas that come on this site. But there is no doubt we have racists here. Just read a few comments to show it. And if some of these are really cops, we still have a long way to go.

  10. Too "racist" for you? Move.

    August 10, 2016 at 8:44 PM

    Yes, just a tad. Do you have any proof whatsoever that Freddie did anything close to what you say he did? Do you have any proof of anything that happened in the back of that van? No? Didn't think so but thanks for playing.

    1. Actually it was a non-guilty verdict on everyone. So I would say that's pretty good proof.

    2. Funny that the fbi let Clinton go with a no guilty verdict but you'll want her locked up but the judge says not guilty and your like it's over they're not guilty so drop it. Why is that?

    My prediction:
    That DOJ report is pretty much the end of any type of recruitment efforts for the BCPD.
    One would have to be crazy to join that force after this.
    From this point on, you'll have the entire Baltimore police force just sitting back until the retirement money kicks in.
    Sad. So sad. Dedicated cops will now get more respect by becoming a mall rent-a-cop.
    Will the last law-abiding citizen left in Baltimore please turn out the lights?

  12. Because the cops were innocent and Hillary is a crook. Funny Martin Luther King a Republican, Malcom X Republican, Abraham Lincoln Republican. The Klu Klux Klan Democrat youk think skulled toads just do not get it. Keep voting and defending Democrats. Your ignorance is sickening. Educate yourself.
    Black LIES Matter

  13. Anonymous Anonymous said...
    My prediction:
    That DOJ report is pretty much the end of any type of recruitment efforts for the BCPD.
    One would have to be crazy to join that force after this.
    From this point on, you'll have the entire Baltimore police force just sitting back until the retirement money kicks in.
    Sad. So sad. Dedicated cops will now get more respect by becoming a mall rent-a-cop.
    Will the last law-abiding citizen left in Baltimore please turn out the lights?

    August 10, 2016 at 10:41 PM

    can you tell me what the powerball numbers will be?

  14. youk think skulled toads just do not get it. Keep voting and defending Democrats. Your ignorance is sickening. Educate yourself.
    Black LIES Matter

    August 11, 2016 at 10:26 AM

    Really? Seriously? LMAO. If their ignorance is sickening, yours must be fatal. Read a book or something.


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