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Wednesday, August 10, 2016

Ray Mabus names Navy ship for Harvey Milk, bypasses military heroes

Navy Secretary Ray Mabus has riled conservatives by once again naming a warship after a liberal activist, in this case slain gay rights icon Harvey Milk.

Conservatives say there is an ample list of Navy and Marine Corps war heroes and longtime maritime leaders who would be more fitting choices for the TAO-125 fleet-replenishment oiler.

But Mr. Mabus has veered from tradition to affix the names of liberal Democrats, such as Milk, to war vessels in a special and coveted military honor during his long tenure as President Obama’s only Navy secretary.

Milk deliberately misled voters in his San Francisco Castro Street district about his Navy service, according to a biography.



  1. This is an idiotic thing to do. Milk's accomplishments don't come close to reaching the bar for consideration.

  2. Milk was a child molester that was above the law like Hillary.

  3. Its those like this {all of this destructive administration} that purposely show disrespect to ALL of America, they need to be punished and destroyed. They have vowed an act of war against Our Country and sworn to destroy it without ever firing a shot.

  4. When this ship is refueling others at sea, will they be playing show tunes over the 1-MC (the ship's PA system)?

  5. I suppose that a brave transgender pioneer will be next.

  6. Your surprised by this?? WOW!! As soon as they put a homo in the position you should have known. Now sit back and watch the Republicans pass yet another liberal proposal.

  7. I think it's funny kind of apropo.for those of you who are not familiar with navy ships.the replenishment ships have phallic looking protuberances on long hoses that protrude extend and connect to a female mating connector to refuel the ships underway at sea. Its not a warship. It a ship that expels fuel into other ships.. LOL

  8. I think it's funny kind of apropo.for those of you who are not familiar with navy ships.the replenishment ships have phallic looking protuberances on long hoses that protrude extend and connect to a female mating connector to refuel the ships underway at sea. Its not a warship. It a ship that expels fuel into other ships.. LOL


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