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Friday, August 05, 2016

PSA: Wearing Stuff Saying 'Don't Tread On Me' Could Now Be Racial Harassment In The Workplace

So, wearing “Don’t Tread On Me” paraphernalia may constitute racial harassment in the workplace. From a 2014 complaint filed with the Equal Employment Opportunity Commission, the folks who decide sift through hostile work environment claims at federal agencies, a person wearing such patriotic gear triggered “Sheldon D.” (not his real name) back in 2014. Lawyer Eugene Volokh blogged about this ridiculous case in The Washington Post, where the offended party cited the Gadsden flag as racially insensitive to blacks because its creator, Christopher Gadsden, owned slaves.

So did Thomas Jefferson. So did George Washington. You don’t see massive protests against him on President’s Day. Why? Because that would be insurmountably stupid, just like this claim, where a black liberal seems to have been trying to stifle his co-worker’s free speech rights. Heck, even the EEOC found that the flags origins are not racist, but because the flag has been associated with “racially tinged” messages as of late—an investigation can go forward. Volokh posted portions of the ruling and his legal analysis over this absurd assault of free speech:



  1. This is going way too far.

  2. seems it goes both ways anything BLM does is treading on me

  3. Wwwwwwaaaaaaayyyyyyy too far. If you don't like what someone is wearing look the other way!

  4. 10:59 Like saggy pants?

  5. 11:17 AM - Some would say, "That's racist! It's their culture!"

    Which has nothing to do with the conversation at hand.

  6. will Everyone please wear this everywhere you go. like in your face.

  7. and now with White Live Matter tee shirts being sold in OC, what will the world come to?

  8. Makes me want to wear one all the time
    Bunch of crybabies.
    How can ALM or White lives matter WLM be raciest and BLM not
    Just saying


  9. Golfer-in-chief is descended from a slave owner on his mother's side. That bruises my senses!

  10. Obama's Administration and appointees. When are white people going to get some nads and stand up and fight back.


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