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Sunday, August 28, 2016

Pocomoke City Police Sobriety Checkpoint Results

Pocomoke City Police conducted a Sobriety Checkpoint Friday August 19, 2016. The results of the checkpoint are below:

1 - Driving While Intoxicated
3 - Traffic Arrest
22 - Traffic Citations


  1. Revenue enhancement at it's finest!!!!
    We tell you this is for your protection, but in reality, it's all about money and how much we can stick you with!!!

  2. So, clearly once again, proof...its just another unconstitutional way to write more citations. To make more money for the city and/or state? No...it actually cost much more for the overtime of all these leo's......yeas, even the ones that took an Oath to uphold the Constitution.

  3. 1:51 PM Clearly that is all it is... So they wasted all that money to get one, just one DWI... Yep it is for your safety alright... Yet we can't do anything about these corrupt cops in which you are more likely to get killed in an interaction with a cop versus a terrorist, unless you consider some cops to be terrorist...

  4. It doesn't say here.. how many vehicles were stopped?

  5. maybe they got an off duty leo for something! naw that would never happen! lol

  6. 2:14
    I noticed that as well.
    If they are going to pull you over to make sure you are not drunk that is ALL they should be allowed to ticket you for.

  7. So they stop how many people, without probable cause, and net just 4 arrests? if I were any of the 22 traffic citations, I'd fight the ticket since they had no reason to pull me over.

  8. These checkpoints are Unconstitutional.
    Totally illegal.

    Do not consent.

    1. Why did you stop? Why didn't you go?

  9. 2:07pm....wasted money to get "just" one DWI? I guess that begs the question....what is the monetary value of the life (or lives) that could have been killed by that drunk driver?

    Is it $1,000? $100,000? $500,000?

    What's the monetary value you would assign to your child, your brother, your sister, your mother, your father, or your spouse for them NOT be killed by a drunk driver?

    Once you've figured out the dollar amount of the value of life, re-work your cost-analysis that led to your conclusion that it was "wasted" money.

    Perhaps your calculated outcome will be different.

  10. I am not advocating for or against these check points, but they did put out a release at least a month in advance that they would be conducting this. You could have easily avoided it if necessary.

  11. 4:26
    Are you defending the idea of "preventive crime"?

    Do you believe the government (police) should remove our free will?

    Do you believe they should be able to punish people BEFORE they commit a crime?

  12. How about taking the cost of running one of these and dividing it among all the drunk drivers caught? Clearly the one here would have a pretty big bill, but guess what? Do the crime, pay the fine!!

  13. You know who else has checkpoints?..........

    The NAZIs did, the East German Stasi, and every other Communist Country.

    Papers please.....

    We gave up our civil liberties for one DUI arrest? How much in OT was spent on this check point. Would that OT been better spent if they flood the area with officers looking for drunk drivers?.....Yes it would have been. In the age of checkpoints, the first person through texts there friends, who then put it on FB and it spreads from there. I don't know anyone in that area and had a FB message about it 15 mins after the check point started of the area to avoid.

    I'm sure you liberals will attack me, but you guys(let me remove that before you freak over gender)......you gender neutral people love pictures to make you feel like things accomplish things and dont understand how the world works.

  14. 445... I'm all for preventive policing! Start patrolling the hoods! Not waiting on them to come to you unconstitutionally! Get more drunks on a back Rd than advertising a week ahead on a main rd

  15. Got one drunk driver off of the road? I'd call that a successful shift by the officers.

    Thankfully, the drunk driver didn't kill anyone before they were caught.

  16. What is a traffic arrest.

  17. Anonymous said...
    Revenue enhancement at it's finest!!!!
    We tell you this is for your protection, but in reality, it's all about money and how much we can stick you with!!!

    August 22, 2016 at 1:51 PM

    What an idiot. All fines go to the state of Maryland and not to Pocomoke City. Pocomoke will get nothing because they are doing this for the safety of the City. When will you drunk cop haters get over yourselves.

  18. Not sure how they check points are unconstitutional, driving is a privilege, not a right. As far as I know, and correct me if I am wrong, you are not required to provide "papers" unless a violation was observed.

  19. Read the constitution! Fourth Amendment.

  20. Was anyone other than the person arrested for driving while impaired subjected to an unreasonable search and seizure? I seriously doubt it. If operated correctly the law enforcement agency conducting the sobriety checkpoint must post a sign prior to the checkpoint location, that announces the checkpoint ahead and provides the motorist an alternate route to avoid the checkpoint. So a motorist does not actually have to proceed through the checkpoint. If a sober motorist is operating the vehicle according to law by having a valid license, valid registration plates and insurance, and not carrying any unlawful contraband, then that same motorist should not have a worry. Based upon experience, the biggest complainers are usually the same people who have the worst driving records, criminal histories, or frequently partake of alcoholic beverages and operate motor vehicles.

  21. @4:26

    The cost of the checkpoint does not directly translate into saving a life. There is no certainty that arrest saved a life. They might have made it home just fine. Or crashed into a fence post at low speed. Or done any number of things.

    The cost of the checkpoint is more like buying a lotto ticket. You're buying a chance to save a life. In an entire year, 10,000 people die due to alcohol related deaths. Out of more than 300,000,000 people. So that's .003% in easy, round numbers.

    If that checkpoint cost $10,000, that's a value of over $300,000,000 per life. ASSUMING IT EVEN SAVES A LIFE. Sorry...the math just doesn't add up. But since you want to play that game...how much is it worth to you to be secure in your personal belongings, the right to speak your mind, protect your family from those intent on doing harm, pray to your god, and receive a jury trial by your peers?

    When the University of Maryland did an analysis of Checkpoint Strikeforce, they found NO EVIDENCE of ANY impact on crashes and injuries.

    If this person were seriously impaired, everybody around them knows it. Phone it in! The cop would have probable cause to pull him over. They do the field sobriety test and breathalyzer. Person's off the road.

    Further, checkpoints really aren't about drunk driving. If it were, you wouldn't need to present your license or registration, would you? They wouldn't be arresting people or issuing citations, would they?

    Unconstitutionally pulling over everybody not only violates the rights of the people, it just doesn't work very well. Those dozen cops could be patrolling and see many times more drivers over a larger area.

  22. 4:26 skipped history, doesn't understand it, and never took a civics class.
    He thinks our GOD GIVEN RIGHTS (one of them being free from wanton, invasive, and unprovoked inspection by armed agents of the government -- and, in their own words, "comply or die!" (a shocking credo from a civilian police force in a republic!) can be given a cost analysis to determine what LEVEL of those rights he thinks we should be "allowed" to have.....THAT is a special kind of stupid. No man gets that power. None that I recognize, anyway.
    4:27 seems to think that, if given enough NOTICE (?!), the armed agents of the Gestapo are perfectly correct in violating the 4TH Amendment. You'd be okay, 4:26, with house to house searches (we're just LOOKING to see if you have anything we don't like, okay??) as long as they sent out a flyer first? And if they said, in January, that there will be no further protests allowed after September, you'd be cool with that, too?
    I don't care what rights you think you don't need or want. I don't care if you think that all the men and women who DIED for them were meaningless.
    Just DON'T give away or surrender MY rights.
    I will remind you cheerleaders (again) that when these Nazi checkpoints were PROPOSED, the police themselves said "we will ONLY use them to catch drunk drivers". Further, they said all drivers will be given a chance to avoid the Nazi troops. Both LIES! Now, its an inspection, a wants and warrants check, a rough search if you piss them off, and a risk to your life. You will also be PURSUED for trying to avoid the Nazi's.
    You cheerleaders think this slippery slope you are riding so gleefully is some amusement park ride??? HUH???
    It ends with a meat grinder at the bottom.
    Searches (that's what a DUI Nazi checkpoint is...) without warrant, confiscation of cash and property without charges by armed agents (that's OFFICIAL armed robbery), total and complete 24-7 top-to-bottom surveillance (for terrorists, although we freely solicit more to arrive!!), officials coninuing to tell us the sky is green and demanding we believe it, and utter disregard for the Constitution and the rule of law. TWO SETS OF LAWS.
    Stock up on guns and ammo. Rope would help, too.

    Keep cheering.

  23. To the retard who thinks driving is a privilege! Are we not the land of the free? Allowed to travel as and when we the people want unmolested? No American is privileged! We are entitled as life is to be free and with liberty! All these supposed laws are for our own good! Our own safety yet not one of us is safer due to them! I am free to do as I please! Not privileged!

  24. Don't argue with idiots, it will only make you look foolish!

  25. Your are likely to lose an argument with a stupid person because they have more experience at being stupid.

  26. The fact that they had a news release shows how ILLEGAL these checkpoints are. Go to court and win!!!

  27. Relax will you.... The Gestapo just want to see your papers.......

  28. 12:43 lmao! sign with alternate route! you must be a kop and a full of sh!t one too.
    Any driver who turns around after seeing the sign will be immediately pulled over. You fail to admit you have kops parked by said sign just waiting for this to happen!
    It's a violation of the 4th amendment plain and simple and it's all about the money as usual!

  29. As all the PPD was out on the highway (US RT 13) looking for drunks, you could have driven through the middle of Pocomoke drunk as a skunk and never been noticed.

  30. @ 11:05 AM:

    When you come out of your stupor, please do yourself a favor and learn how a sobriety checkpoint really operates, as it is evident that you are clueless. Additionally, do yourself a favor by attending a night class to enhance your spelling. Does anyone know what a "kop" is?


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