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Wednesday, August 03, 2016

Physician Marshall OUSTS US Rep. Huelskamp in Kansas primary

NOTE: Incumbent, Tim Huelskamp is vocally a NeverTrump Republican while his contender, Dr. Roger Marshall vocally supports Donald Trump.

HUTCHINSON, Kan. (AP) — A doctor backed by agriculture and business groups ousted U.S. Rep. Tim Huelskamp Tuesday in a Kansas Republican primary race that focused on the tea party-backed incumbent's battles with GOP leaders and criticism that he was too cantankerous to be effective.

Great Bend obstetrician Roger Marshall won the tough contest against Huelskamp in the 1st District, which spans western and much of central Kansas.

Huelskamp is one of only a handful of House members to be ousted in this year's primary season.

Rep. Renee Ellmers fell to fellow North Carolina GOP Rep. George Holding, and Virginia Republican Rep. Randy Forbes also lost, victims of court-ordered, redrawn district lines.

Rep. Chaka Fattah, D-Pa., was defeated in April after indictment on federal corruption charges. He was later convicted and quit Congress.

Marshall's supporters argued Huelskamp's combativeness harmed the district. Huelskamp lost his seat on the House Agriculture Committee in 2012; farm groups turned against him, and many Republican voters saw it as a crucial issue in a farm state.



  1. Let the sacrificial Cruz-political executions begin. Next week could Ryan be unseated by Nehlen? Should be interesting!!!!

  2. Some of our so-called local Republicans should take note and be very concerned about their own re-elections and credibility!

  3. He wouldn't work with anyone, extreme obstructionist. The pendulum is swinging in a different direction now.

  4. Tea party minus one.

  5. Good glad he got ousted.

  6. look who supported marshall before you react quickly. There were groups who dont even live in Kansas that were donating money to Marshalls campaign

  7. Kansas is just rotating Republicans till it finally wakes up to the fact that they to turn blue to straighten out their mess of a state.


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