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Tuesday, August 30, 2016

Oklahoma Police Pepper Spray 84 Yr. Old Woman


  1. All this over running a stop sign.
    6 cops
    over a stop sign.
    broken down her door
    over a stop sign.
    maced her
    for a traffic violation, that she was not even involved in.
    6 cops.
    traffic violation.

  2. What a tough guy! Like most of them! Freaking cowards is what they really are!

  3. She should have OBEYED the LAW!!!!!! If you act right you have no problems with the police.

  4. We don't see much of the video footage except the sensational parts. If this is how the TV station edited the disc contents given to the station by the PD, then we have to ask why they did it that way. If this is all that the PD gave the station (and it seems unlikely), then they have questions to answer as to why the edits.

    The woman had 40 seconds to comply and get out of the officers' faces and way as they removed her son; she refused and was PEPPER sprayed(not maced, as a previous commenter stated. Forty seconds is a long time to defy a legal order and interfere with an officer doing his/her duties.

    The son had something in his hand and would not drop it. It looked like a piece of paper, but things can be hidden behind an object of that size.

  5. seriously? ok so did he blow through the stop sign at a high rate of speed? where's the video of that? or did he just not come to a complete stop for whatever amount of time the occifer wanted to see him stop for? 6 kops? meanwhile the drug dealers and the thugs are running rampant. pepper spraying an 84 yo woman? tough kops to bad she didn't meet them the way we met the british, when they came knocking! our society is out of control and it's the fault of the politicians, all crooks who have the kops do their bidding!!

  6. Failure to comply with traffic device (traffic citation), flee and elude (3rd degree felony), resisting arrest (misdemeanor or felony, depending on severity), hindering/interfering with a police officer (misdemeanor or felony, depending).
    If the driver had stopped for his failure to stop ticket or warning, none of this would have happened. Instead he chose to lead the cops on a merry chase and attempt to hide in his mom's house.

  7. 1136
    Hide your identity because you are a pig.

  8. 6:53 we know how it works, you do one thing wrong and they (you) charge them with everything in the book hoping something will stick. wonder how many peoples lives were in danger when kops are racing to this scene for public enemy #1.


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