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Saturday, August 20, 2016

Obama Unlikely to Halt Vacation to Visit Flooded Louisiana

President Barack Obama is unlikely to break from a New England vacation to survey flood damage in Louisiana, despite calls for him to visit and meet with responders and victims.

The White House insists Obama is not indifferent to the suffering of thousands who were washed out of their homes in the Baton Rouge and Lafayette areas of the state. At least 13 people have died as a result of the flooding, and at one point 11,000 were in shelters. That number has dropped as water levels have receded.

In an editorial published Wednesday, The Advocate newspaper in Baton Rouge called on Obama to visit "the most anguished state in the union." The newspaper noted that Obama interrupted his two-week vacation on Martha's Vineyard earlier this week to attend a fundraiser for Democratic presidential nominee Hillary Clinton on the Massachusetts island.

In 2005, then-President George W. Bush was faulted for flying over but not touching down in Louisiana in the immediate aftermath of Hurricane Katrina.

Obama has issued no public or written statements about the flooding.



  1. He and the family are too busy Chooming.

  2. The governor asked the politicians to stay away so all the resources and attention could be focused on the recovery. Everybody honored that request except for Trump.

  3. Why would they want the leader (?) there. I wouldn't want him in my hood.

  4. @9:28 then why did the governor go on tv and blast Obammy for not coming?? I call BS!!


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