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Friday, August 05, 2016

Obama Signals Trump Will Win

The Kenyan King resorts to desperation as Hillary falls behind

If the election was already “in the bag” for Hillary Clinton, President Obama wouldn’t be working overtime to convince the GOP to dump Trump.

Instead, he’d be encouraging Trump to speak out more if his words were helping Hillary – but that’s not the case at all.

Obama is signaling that the globalists are losing and Hillary is falling too far behind for the technocrats to rig the election in her favor.

“The president implored Republicans to un-endorse him and asked what does it say about the Republican party that Trump is their standard bearer,” Real Clear Politics reported. “Obama called on Republicans to repudiate and condemn the party’s nominee.”

In other words, the president is the Wizard of Oz panicking after Trump pulled the curtain to expose the globalists as the evil they are – and not the saviors of humanity they portray themselves to be.

It’s also revealing that Obama made his desperate declaration right after Trump warned the general election is being rigged just like the Democratic nomination, which was rigged in favor of Hillary Clinton – despite the majority of Democrats supporting Bernie Sanders.



  1. Let's hope that enough felt the Bern from his turning against them and will vote for the other non-establishment candidate!

    Go Trump!

  2. Sanders supporters have to see that their cause can be redeemed only by throwing Hillary under a bus... any bus... every bus.

    She's the antithesis of almost everything that they believe in, bent on a self-serving and perverted world order that will further suppress and eventually extinguish the Constitution's guarantees of personal freedoms and redress against a tyrannical government.

  3. Bernie supporters were duped.
    They didn't believe in anything because their candidate was a shill.


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