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Thursday, August 11, 2016

Obama says he's being 'forced out' of White House

If President Obama had his way, he’d probably never leave the White House.

During an interview with the Golf Channel, Obama confessed it’s only because he’s being “forced out” that he’ll leave the executive mansion in January.



  1. He should be hung as a traitor

  2. hence his plot to indict killary right after nov and before she can be sworn in. then he will forceably retain his office for emergency reasons and continue with his muslim plot.


  3. Section 8 years voucher coming to an end.

    He'll have to pick up his own socks again and Moochie can nag him about his stinky feet again. Love it!

  4. Don't worry.
    Barry is done.
    If DOJ indicts Billary, then little Timmy Kaine will become POTUS

  5. He's being forced out because he's the worst president we've ever had. We have seen such a regression in America since his elections it cannot be ignored anymore! Time to purge all of DC and send a lot of people to the unemployment lines they've helped create.

  6. If congress had done their job, Obama would have been out a long time ago. Doesn't say much about our elected officials.

  7. The only reason Obama was not forced out long ago is because he's half black but claimed to be the first black president. An ouster would have created massive riots by those who worship him as their god.

  8. 9:57 you are correct. it's laughable that Obama thinks this. he loves himself so much and thinks all the 'unwashed' love him as well. he's sick and so are the rest of his evil minions.

  9. He didnt build that.

  10. Bill Clinton almost got thrown out for getting a BJ in the Oval Office yet this traitor...yes TRAITOR was given the Nobel peace price.
    What the hell is wrong with that picture?

    1. Y do u think bill wants back in the WH ?

  11. Your free ride is over - get out of our White House. No more freeloading for the Obama's.


  12. I'm starting to have a wee bit of sympathy for Obama. You need a very powerful microscope to see it but it's there.

    I think we should start a 'gofundme' to buy and donate to him the mirror in the WH that he gazes at himself in.

    "If you like the mirror you can keep the mirror!"

  13. Best news I've heard all week!


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