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Wednesday, August 24, 2016

North Carolina state trooper shoots dead deaf mute man

A North Carolina state trooper shot dead a deaf and mute man who was apparently trying to communicate using sign language after he was pulled over for a speeding violation.

Daniel Kevin Harris, 29, a father to a four-year-old boy, was killed just feet from his home in Charlotte by trooper Jermaine Saunders on Thursday evening.

Police say Saunders tried to pull Harris over for a speeding violation on Interstate 485 at around 6.15pm, but the driver led authorities on a brief pursuit before stopping.

Officials said that's when the driver got out of his car and an encounter took place between the driver and the trooper, causing a shot to be fired. Harris died at the scene.

But witnesses said Harris – who was unarmed – was shot ‘almost immediately’ after he exited his vehicle, WCNC reports.



  1. Charge him with MURDER! Traffic stop really!! Hard to believe! Not Really!

  2. I can't think of any gesture in American Sign Language that offers a threat or looks like somebody going for a weapon.

  3. Deaf people don't hear police car sirens. And they look into the rear view mirror just as often as the average person does.

  4. Let's wait and gather ALL the facts before we condemn the trooper. There are two sides to every story!!!

  5. Another unarmed person killed! It's not about color! It's about scared coward cops!

    1. Agree 100%. They are not paid enough, so instead of getting the best and brightest they get a lot of guys who get off on the power. I know I wouldn't be a Salisbury/Baltimore/Chicago PD officer for any amount of money. Huh, all Democrat cities, just realized that. Needs top down reform.

  6. Is there a car or body camera? If not, there should have been.

  7. Black law enforcement officer shot and killed unarmed white man, whether justified or not; yet no rioting or looting. That is the difference between civilized and uncivilized people. Where's the DOJ investigation?

  8. If you Google such a macabre thing,you will see that this scenario has played out many,many times.DEafmutes being shot by police.

  9. The police are a huge problem for Americans.
    Stay out of their way.
    Avoid them at all times.
    Refuse to speak to them. Make no sudden moves, so on.


  10. Wait for all the facts. Then you Gods may judge!!


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