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Saturday, August 20, 2016

New Gun Control Idea: Take Guns from Senior Citizens

Johns Hopkins University’s Shannon Frattaroli sees danger in gun ownership among senior citizens, and pointed out Thursday that California’s Gun Violence Restraining Orders (GVROs) provide a way that families can have guns confiscated from older relatives.

Senior citizens have been among the most adamant Second Amendment advocates in recent years, such as the late Otis McDonald (above), who challenged Chicago’s handgun ban at the U.S. Supreme Court — and won.

But Frattaroli, who works at the Johns Hopkins Bloomberg School of Public Health, has expressed concern over what an grandparent with a gun might do to him or herself via suicide, or the danger that may befall a grandchild who finds the gun.

She indicates lawmakers in many states have enacted laws requiring older Americans to show proficiency before being allowed to continue driving, but points out that laws requiring proficiency in firearms are not a topic of discussion.



  1. The author wrote:
    "Frattaroli... has expressed concern over what an grandparent with a gun might do to him or herself via suicide..."


  2. Come and take it.
    That's all I have to say.

  3. Frattaroli and friends just don't want the guns handed down to the kids without any paperwork, is all. It makes those guns more valuable! Come and take it... if you can!

  4. If Clinton gets in your guns are gone. UN shows up to your house with a tank driven by a person from foreign soil you will hand it over.

  5. Why can't the government just leave people alone and let them enjoy their life. That is the way things used to be in the 50's and 60's. Almost every household had a gun for protection or hunting or both. And at that time there was a lot less gun violence. That is when government started getting too big and now the government wants to control every aspect of your life. From what kind of car you can drive, to what you eat and drink, just everything. The government especially liberals think we are to stupid to make our own decisions. So they try to legislate everything in our life. Well I got news for you liberals. Things were a lot better with smaller government and people making their own decisions. We are not stupid. And we recent the fact that you think you have the right to control everything in our life. Just get out of our lives and let us live in the pursuit of happiness like the constitution says "Life, Liberty and the pursuit of happiness.

  6. I was shocked to have the new medicare question list ask if I owned a gun or if I had access to a gun in my home. I knew something was up then and there.

  7. Am I getting this correct? A senior should not have a firearm in their home to protect themselves from uninvited and unwanted younger citizens entering the seniors home to do harm to body and property. But, a senior can be the leader of this great nation, in charge of the greatest weaponry in the world.

  8. 11:20, I had heard for several years about these questions but had never been asked until a few weeks back. I was asked at a doctor visit, if I had any guns, along with a few more questions not health related. I told them hell no I don't own any guns. (not registered)

  9. ".. I had heard for several years about these questions but had never been asked until a few weeks back. I was asked at a doctor visit, if I had any guns, along with a few more questions not health related.."

    My answer to that would be-- 'Why do you ask?'

  10. From what I see of Chicago, they need to take guns away from black youth.

  11. didn't this genius look at any stats and see who commits the most crime with guns? it sure as shooting isn't your crazy uncle or dear old granddad. why are so many dumb people in positions of authority?


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