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Tuesday, August 16, 2016

Milwaukee victim’s father makes ASTONISHING confession

Col. Allen West writes frequently on these pages about the tragic decline of the black American family, how young black men growing up with no male role model, no faith and no discipline end up with no job and no future…and often turn to a life of crime.

It’s a refrain most often heard from conservatives, as liberals eagerly blame systemic racism or social “unfairness’ for the problems.

Which is why it’s so incredible, in his moment of grief, that the father of Sylville Smith, (who was shot by police in Milwaukee after fleeing and refusing to drop his (stolen) weapon), admitted he might actually bear some blame for his son’s tragic fate.



  1. Might?
    How about his Mother ??

  2. Very different from what the sister said.

  3. Now lets see how long it takes for the family to start demanding a high dollar payoff.

    1. For WHAT ? the pos got what was long overdue this is nothing but the welfare crowd looking for free riot S,,T.

  4. Their fathers were locked up in the early 90's when Hillary Clinton got on stage and said these "super-preditors" need to be "brought to heel".
    Now she wins the support of black America by throwing the police under the bus for following objectives that she set out. Hillary Clinton is proof positive of my theory that anymore success comes not to the one who works hardest but to the one who will stoop the lowest.


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